Bank Millennium has been awarded the CSR Golden Leaf again

As was the case last year, Bank Millennium was awarded the CSR Golden Leaf by Polityka weekly, which is given to companies whose activity in corporate social responsibility and sustainable development gets highest scores. In earlier years Millennium was awarded the CSR Golden Leaf no less than five times.

CSR Leaves go to companies which strategically implement the most stringent standards of corporate social responsibility in their activity – they have ethics management systems, are involved in the voluntary sector, implement initiatives in response to the needs of their clients and staff and minimize their environmental footprint.

In Bank Millennium Corporate Social Responsibility means studying and reflecting the needs of Stakeholders in planning and implementing the company’s strategy. Subjects involving corporate social responsibility are an integral part of our approach to the banking business. The direction and indicators regarding ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) matters are regularly verified, measured and reported in annual reports regarding non-financial information of Bank Millennium Group. Bank Millennium Group’s ESG Report presenting initiatives carried out in 2020 can be found here: This is the fifteenth non-financial report published by the Group.

Bank Millennium engages in CSR and sustainable development activities concentrating on four areas:

  • Customers – our priority is banking without barriers. We want all customers to have convenient access to financial services. This is why we introduced many improvements for people with sight, hearing and motor impairments – accessible branches, ATMs and the bank’s website as well as voice telephone service.
  • Employees – we create an attractive work environment. We build relations based on trust, relying quality and innovation, helping employees develop and promoting cooperation.
  • The community – we are conducting the “Financial ABCs” kindergarten education programme, because we believe that it makes sense to form good financial habits already in childhood. We know that our employees best know the needs of the local community. This is why after the interval caused by the pandemic we will soon return to the grants programme for best volunteering projects proposed by our employees.
  • The environment – we introduce proprietary actions focused on the environment, we offer green products as well as responsible financing and we develop environmental education. For almost a decade Bank Millennium has been monitoring and publishing data regarding carbon dioxide emission levels. The level of this emission comes down every year.

CSR Leaves, the annual list of most socially engaged companies, is being prepared since 10 years already by the Polityka weekly in cooperation with Deloitte consulting company and the Responsible Business Forum. The CSR Golden Leaf is awarded to companies, for which implementation of guidelines contained in the ISO 26000 standard is a key component of strategic actions in business and in relations with stakeholders, employees included. The companies rely in their Activities on local and global best management practice and follow international standards. Additionally an important part of their management is the holistic system of ESG reporting as well as ethics management. They have a written and public document, which defines rules of conduct in business as well as highest personnel management standards. They inform regularly about results of their actions in non-financial or integrated reports, prepared on the basis of international standards, which are subject to external independent verification.


Bank Millennium

Last Updated on July 26, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
