Prof. Artur Ekert: the future applications of quantum technologies are beyond our imagination
Which of the latest discoveries and developments in quantum computing are likely to revolutionise technology and industry in the near future?
It is difficult to say conclusively. Quantum computers still represent a huge challenge, requiring many years of intensive research. Nevertheless, super-sensitive measurement methods, quantum simulation and quantum communication are already more tangible and accessible. I believe that quantum technologies will still surprise us more than once and will probably find applications in the least expected fields.
Can quantum cryptographic systems, such as the QKD protocol you propose, completely replace traditional encryption methods in the coming years?
Completely, no. Today, cryptography is not only about key distribution and communication, but also about electronic signatures, cryptocurrency, password and access code protection, etc. Quantum cryptography, at least in its current form, will not replace all these methods, so we will have hybrid methods, combining both traditional cryptography and its quantum and post-quantum versions.
What technological and infrastructural challenges currently stand in the way of the widespread use of quantum computers in business?
You have to build such a computer first, and all we have so far is a few logic gates and a lot of noise over the lines. A lot of media hype, too. Contrary to what we hear and read in the media, the road to a quantum computer is still long, winding, bumpy and full of pitfalls. We are talking about a computer that would actually count something useful that a classical computer cannot count. The main technical problem is to develop methods, both theoretical and practical, to correct quantum errors. This is because quantum phenomena are transient and sensitive to even the slightest disturbance from outside. So-called quantum decoherence destroys the computing power of quantum computers. The good news is that we know how to deal with this, but implementing all these solutions requires exorbitant precision and will not be easy. So it will take a while for a reasonable quantum computer to emerge, but I think one will emerge sooner or later.
How might developments in quantum computing affect digital security and how should organisations prepare for this?
Quantum technologies will very likely change our approach to digital security. In fact, they are already changing it now. Although we don’t know when we will build a quantum computer that will threaten current public-key ciphers, it will happen one day. So current encryption methods need to be changed. And this is being done. The primary threat at the moment is the ‘collect encrypted data now and decrypt later’ attack. Some data, especially national security data, is kept secret for years, so if we collect encrypted data of this type today, wait until, say 50 years from now, when we have a quantum computer, break the ciphers and read the data, the information thus gained may still be worth the years of waiting.
Do you think that countries investing in quantum technology can achieve a significant geopolitical advantage? What will be the consequences of this race?
Yes, they can and this is already evident in the rivalry between the United States and China. Consequences? Whoever is better and more efficient in controlling information, and therefore the public broadcast, has control over society. Whoever is quicker and more efficient in the implementation and use of quantum technologies will have a major technological advantage, including in the military sphere.
How do you assess the collaboration between academia and the private sector in the development and application of quantum technologies?
Generally not bad, small ‘start-up’ companies dealing with various aspects of quantum technology are springing up like mushrooms. Young, talented people see interesting opportunities here that academia does not always provide.
Are there currently ethical dilemmas associated with the development and application of quantum technologies?
Yes, there are, the same as with any new invention which, depending on whose hands it ends up in, can either help or harm us.
Can quantum technologies contribute to solving global problems such as climate change or energy crises, and if so, how?
It is difficult to say conclusively. It seems possible that it will be feasible to build energy-efficient quantum computers, but this is probably somewhere in the distant future. For the time being, in the development phase, quantum computers will devour more energy than their classical counterparts.
What are the prospects for the commercialisation of quantum technologies? Do you see potential applications for them in everyday life, in a domestic setting?
Whatever I say, whatever I point to, it is bound to be something different. Did the pioneers of computing, such as Charles Babbage or even Alan Turing, have any vision of what such a ‘Turing machine’ might be used for in the future? Did they see, with their minds’ eye, word processing, the Internet, photo and video processing, social media? Of course not. So too, we can now speculate about quantum simulations that will help design new materials, new drugs etc. etc., but in fact we will be surprised by more and more interesting applications. Let’s wait and see – If we get to live long enough!
What skills and competencies will be necessary for young scientists and engineers to pursue a career in quantum technologies?
A new field has emerged that combines computer science, quantum physics, both theoretical and experimental, more and more engineering and even some philosophy. This requires a separate approach and separate curricula, and this is slowly happening.
Arthur Ekert is Professor of Quantum Physics at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford. He is also a Fellow of Merton College, Oxford and an Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore. He played a key role in establishing the Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore. His expertise has been invaluable to many companies and government agencies. Ekert’s contributions to the field have been recognised with several prestigious awards, including the 1995 Maxwell Medal and the 1995 Institute of Physics Award, the 2007 Royal Society Hughes Medal, the 2019 Micius Medal, and the Royal Society Hughes Medal. Outside of academia, Ekert is a keen diving instructor and pilot.
Last Updated on February 21, 2025 by Elżbieta Wieleba