Office can be a safe place despite the pandemic. Interview with Adam Krzanowski, CEO and Co-founder of Nowy Styl Group

Good morning, sir, thank you very much for talking to me. Fortunately, the situation is much better than it was this time last month. Abandoned city streets resembled a horror movie back then. Please tell us how the coronavirus pandemic affected Nowy Styl, a leader in office furniture and space arrangement?

The situation came as a surprise to everybody and we were no exception. Just like many other companies we were suddenly faced with a dilemma – what to do? Should we let everybody go home or continue the production? We didn’t want to make our staff unemployed, so we chose to adjust our operational mode and complete all the existing purchase orders. We opted for a compromise and made safety our top priority. In production plants we ensured proper distance and separated individual zones, so that people don’t bump into one another in the same places. As regards office employees, we organised their work in a Home Office system.

What do you think office work will look like now? Will offices look different?

The buildings will probably look the same as before, but the interior will have to change, so that people feel comfortable. The users will also have to remember about new rules. A while ago we had a situation when a friend came to see me and wanted to shake hands. I said: “No, no more shaking hands.” It may seem strange at first sight, but it’s necessary nonetheless. Safe distance is mandatory when we say hello and afterwards, while we work in the office. In our offices we have already moved the desks further apart. Additionally, we have implemented special safety procedures and measures. For the past few weeks our employees have been gradually returning to their offices. As of 1st June the great comeback will have been completed.

This topic is of interest to us also because many partners are asking us to help them adjust their work environment to the new reality. We analyse all their requests, discuss them with the clients and then search for the best possible solutions. We have come up with a special report for our clients, where we offer ideas and guidelines to facilitate smooth return to office work.

So you’re saying that you can offer comprehensive solutions for offices, adjusted to the situation caused by COVID-19?

Yes. We’ve been an expert in office design for a long time now. We specialised in work space arrangement when things were fine. Now we’re building up our experience in special office design, so as to adjust any work environment to the new safety requirements. We have expanded our product portfolio with special transparent plexiglass elements, we separate seats in conference rooms and we come up with a number of additional products, which boost comfort and enable safe distance.

One last question. Don’t you think that sometimes such difficult situations boost our creativity?

Yes, this is definitely true. Any crisis, even a pandemic, calls for quick analyses and decisions. Those who are ready to take a risk and reasonably assess the situation can survive the crisis. It is often the case that such companies come out of the crisis even stronger. Another thing is the involvement of employees when the going gets tough. Their motivation is much higher, so together we can work miracles.

Last Updated on March 23, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
