Baylab Polska workshops in new dimensions

Warsaw, July 2021 – New topics, new guests, new mode – Baylab Polska refreshes its Facebook profile and focuses on activities promoting science and technology, targeting a multigenerational audience. The new approach is to show that science connects generations and inspires them to discover the world jointly.

Baylab – created by Bayer as a platform of fascination with science and technology – began operating in 2012 as a popular science multimedia salon. Currently it operates in digital mode.

-Holidays do not mean taking a break from learning, and learning does not have to be boring. We prove it in our Baylab Polska fanpage, presenting science in the form of attractive multimedia and engaging educational materials. We invite everyone to learn, play and discover their passions: children, teenagers, parents, seniors. Every generation will find something interesting in our online workshops – explains Monika Lechowska-Wróbel, Head of Communication CEE.

A series of posts on viruses and vaccines has been planned for two summer months – July and August.

For the youngest scientists, Baylab moderators have prepared a video experiment that will explain how to minimize the risk of virus infection. In subsequent posts, consisting colorful infographics and quizzes, knowledge about vaccines and their importance for the human body will be provided through fun and entertainment.

Youth will have a unique chance to supplement their knowledge for school activities thanks to the animation “Between the living and the inanimate – what do viruses surprise us with?”. After watching the video there will also be a chance to check the knowledge in additional materials prepared by experts: a test, quiz or a dictionary of terms.

Adults will be invited to the Baylab Talks series – inspiring video interviews with well-known experts on social, health and environmental issues. In the first summer series an international expert will talk about vaccines – Doc. MUDr. Ing. RNDr. Peter Celec DrSc. MPH, Head of the Institute of Molecular Biomedicine in Bratislava. In the next episodes (on immunology and allergy) the audience will watch Wojciech Feleszko PhD from the Medical University of Warsaw.

For those interested in innovative activities and breakthrough solutions of Bayer in the field of health, environment or sustainable development, a series of posts with global content on these areas were prepared. During the holidays, scientific reports by experts on the global fight against the coronavirus and the impact and importance of vaccines for human immunity will be presented.

As part of activities in social media, Baylab Polska is also available on the YouTube channel. The multimedia published in that channel are the perfect complement to the knowledge and substantive materials presented on the fanpage. After the holidays, in September and October, topics related to the broadly understood area of the cardio circulatory system have been planned, and the last two months of the year – November and December – will be devoted to vitamins and proper nutrition.

Baylab Polska started its popular science workshops over 8 years ago, and has been actively educating online for over a year, having gathered over 16,000 fans at that time. The refreshed channel will present multimedia materials concerning, among others, innovations, new technologies, medicine and health protection, as well as the latest achievements and discoveries in these fields. In addition, the profile will contain information about the current global activities of Bayer in the field of innovation, health and sustainable development. We invite you to visit us and follow us on social media.


Bayer Polska

Last Updated on July 26, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
