A company with ambitions on the timber market
2021 brought fluctuations in the prices of all basic building materials. The increases also affected sawn timber, which is the core of everyday objects and seems necessary for the construction of single-family houses in Poland. The record in number of building permits issued turned out to be an impulse for development for the timber industry recovering from the pandemic shock. The surge in demand caused not only a significant increase in prices, but also serious shortages of timber products all over the world.
In these difficult conditions, the company of the brothers Marcin and Sebastian Ujejski has demonstrated its understanding of the industry and trends. For the first half of the year, we managed to double the results recorded in the same periods of the previous year.
– This is a strong base for further growth – assures the President of Blue Timber SA Marcin Ujejski. DrewnodlaDomu brand through the e-commerce solutions introduced, which more and more clearly indicates the potential of using the Internet in the wood industry. – Thanks to the constant growth number of the product and supplier base, we can offer our customers a wider and wider range of solutions.
In the difficult time of high demand, it was very important to ensure continuity of supplies for customers focused on the implementation of timber structures based on semi-finished products provided by the Blue Timber SA group. The first half of the year showed that the motto Let’s build something extraordinary together is not only an advertising slogan, but a vision of changing the customer environment . Thanks to the efforts of specialized assembly teams, timber structures are created every day throughout the country, fitting into the landscape of modern Poland. The expansion of the staff and the office base is proof of the development of Blue Timber SA. Creating several sales channels at the same time ensures a constant turnover of commodities – thus supporting the development of partners DrewnodlaDomu.
What should the care for the environment look like in the timber industry? We aspire to become the leader of the Polish retail segment of our industry by 2025, but we emphasize that it should be carried out in harmony with the natural environment – announces Marcin Ujejski. Blue Timber SA as part of the #miliondrzewwpolsce campaign, he began the transformation of the industry producing ecological building material. Thanks to the mass planting of paulownia tree clones, timber production in plantations becomes efficient and ecological for setting trends for the industry. More and more often we hear about the reduction of the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere in the European Union, among others the document Fit for 55 may radically change the understanding of the right to emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. The United Nations, through the Paris Agreement, already in 2016 showed the compliance of the international community in its efforts to achieve climate neutrality. Paulownia clones, thanks to the use of their natural advantages, may turn out to be an important link in binding substances harmful to the atmosphere into wood, which later becomes an ecological building material. This clean and ecological process is a needed innovation that can be used by anyone interested, thanks to the know-how accumulated by the Blue Timber SA group.
Oxygen Forest Poland, as a book example of a startup, is building a scalable business model for B2B and B2C customers, encouraging decarbonization. Each year is a new chance to plant tree plantations which, thanks to the appropriate use of photosynthesis, bind pollutants in the air. Oxygen Forest Poland pays particular attention to research and development works in the field of developing optimal methods of planting various types of paulownia in Poland. This is a special challenge, taking into account the presence in our country of five different climatic zones and the diverse landscape of individual regions. Being aware of these challenges, we started cooperation with the University of Agriculture in Krakow, whose scientists became the project advisors.
Thanks to the faith and trust of its customers, Oxygen Forest Poland currently manages over 14 hectares of plantations spread throughout Poland. This is the beginning of the trend of ecological farming balancing the impact of man on the environment in our country and around the world. Thanks to the possibility of implementing a plantation personalized to the client’s needs, Oxygen Forest Poland can fulfill the dream of living in a clean world, the economy of which is balanced for the good of the whole society.
By implementing the aforementioned visions, Blue Timber SA wishes to remain on the ambitious course of entering Warsaw Stock Exchange.
– If the project continues to develop as planned, by 2025 everyone will be able to become a shareholder of the leader in the retail segment of the wood industry. Today I would like to thank the investors who got involved in the project at an early stage – thanks to their contributions, we believe that this plan is possible – Marcin Ujejski summarizes in the interview.
Blue Timber
Last Updated on January 25, 2022 by Łukasz