Investors are increasingly interested in the wood industry
The recently observed increases in wood prices confirm the huge market demand for products made of this raw material. There is no doubt that with the change in design trends and in a more ecological approach to life, retail customers more and more often reach for very high-quality products. The specificity of the Polish sales segment specializing in the distribution of such products is its very large fragmentation and the lack of an obvious leader in the industry. Small, locally operating enterprises often experience many problems with access to high-class wood, frequently the only way to obtain it is through import from abroad. Recognizing these problems, the company Blue Timber SA introduced the DrewnoDlaDomu brand, which is building the first e-commerce project in Poland, combining one of the oldest industries in the world and modern technologies. Thanks to this solution, even the most demanding consumers will be able to purchase the best quality wooden products through the www.drewnodladomu.pl platform.
Responding to the growing interest in the ecological construction trend, the DrewnoDlaDomu brand offers the construction of terraces and wooden structures, made of any tree species chosen by the client. Great opinions on popular internet portals confirm that not only the products but also the quality of the service provided by DrewnoDlaDomu are of above average quality.
Thanks to the trust of customers and exceptional diligence in running the business, the company has been achieving great results every year for several years now, increasing revenues by up to 100%. Taking care of the further development of the project that originally started in Rdzawa to create a leader in the retail sale of wooden products, its originators – Brothers Marcin and Sebastian Ujejski, planned the appearance of Blue Timber SA on the listings of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
In the period preceding the market debut, the company completes components supplementing its basic activity. The plan presented to shareholders for 2021 not only contains of securing the production needs of the DrewnoDlaDomu brand, but also intensive work on the advancement of a research and development project for fast-growing trees. Thanks to the collected capital and the involvement of future and current investors, Blue Timber SA plans to appear on the main floor of the Warsaw Stock Exchange no later than 2025.
President of the Board, Blue Timber SA
Last Updated on May 20, 2021 by Łukasz