Empowering the Workforce of the Future. Ireneusz Borowski, Country Manager Poland, Dassault Systèmes
Developments in technology mean that communication among employees can now take place on many levels. It allows, for example, the creation of international teams that can smoothly collaborate with each other and exchange ideas. So can we say that technology has changed the paradigm of work?
The labor market is changing across multiple dimensions simultaneously. Business processes are being rearchitected in response to profound changes in technology and society. Ideas like remote collaboration in the cloud of dispersed teams or agile transformation were once proposals of visionaries. Now, entire multinational corporations are modeling themselves on such principles.
Developments in technology, such as the Internet of Things, robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, 3D printing or blockchain, will have a huge impact on the employment landscape in the coming years. Therefore companies today are intensively looking for employees who have the right digital competences and know how to navigate the digital environment.
How can technology empower the Workforce of the Future?
The fast-changing economy is triggering new business models and new categories of solutions, processes and services that prioritize sustainable innovation and customer experiences. To compete, businesses must be fast, integrated and agile. Leaders will create value by developing and working within networks to help deliver their products and experiences. All of this requires a flexible and qualified workforce who can quickly create ideas in a virtual world that can be used in the real world of manufacturing.
With rapid evolution of workplace roles, learning how to learn is now essential, therefore companies are equipping their employees with virtual experience platforms – such as the 3DEXPERIENCE platform from Dassault Systèmes – that enable them better access to knowledge and know-how in virtual worlds, supports collaboration, experience sharing and decision making.
Are the companies in Poland ready for this profound shift?
In the 2nd quarter of 2022, together with PMR, Dassault Systèmes conducted a study “Organizational Transformation of Industrial Companies in Poland” among a hundred of medium and large manufacturing companies in Poland. The study showed that Polish manufacturers are well aware of the benefits digital platforms bring to companies, with over 80% of them appreciating their impact on cooperation between different departments and 75% of respondents claiming that digital platforms improve the relations with customers.
At the same time the study highlighted a challenge faced by the Polish manufacturing sector: whereas over 60% of the surveyed companies plan to expand their use of digital platforms in the coming years, the organizations already today experience a skill gap, with 1 out of 5 employees having difficulties in learning systems used in companies.
Then, what is the conclusion for the companies?
The survey clearly shows that the workforce of the future journey begins much earlier and we need to focus already at students to equip them with the right digital competences helping them to get ready for the jobs in both emerging and established sectors, such as manufacturing, healthcare, life sciences and infrastructure.
To succeed in hiring and training, therefore, companies must anticipate the skills they will need in the future, customize their learning and development (L&D) programs to meet their specific needs today, as well as their strategic direction for the future and work with schools to create programs that will prepare students to compete in the fast changing environment and innovate.
How does Dassault Systèmes support the students and innovators?
We offer them dedicated programs aimed at education but – what’s equally important – also support their innovative ideas once they enter the professional career.
Within 3DEXPERIENCE Edu Centers of Excellence we answer a global need to prepare students and professionals with the knowledge and know-how to thrive in emerging and fast-changing jobs, where digital technologies are converging to impact every aspect of industrial business – from ideation to manufacturing. Centers that are labelled 3DEXPERIENCE Edu Centers of Excellence combine virtual worlds on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform with state-of-the-art machinery used in the workplace, as well as courses and curricula designed in collaboration with local employers and taught by platform-certified instructors.
But we’re doing much more. In 2015 we launched 3DEXPERIENCE Lab, a global, open innovation laboratory to accelerate disruptive innovation strongly impacting society. Entrepreneurs, makers and innovators everywhere are invited to apply for support under the six themes: City, Life, Lifestyle, Internet of Things, Ideation and Fablab. Pitch sessions to apply for being added to the Lab program are held 3-4 times a year. Since the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab supports the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals, each startup project is associated with and committed to one of these goals. The important news for startups and innovators from Poland is that in September 2022 we opened the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab in Munich that supports startups from the region.
How does the 3DEXPERIENCe Lab support works in practice?
Start-ups that join the accelerator program gain access to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to digitally develop their projects and benefit from mentoring and expertise. This is of vital importance for them, since the cloud-based platforms, such as the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, offer new possibilities for design, production, testing, certification and operation. Access to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform allows all stakeholders to access a single version of data (Single Source of Truth), so different departments can collaborate on a project – providing customized insight into what they need in their role. This entirely new approach – an integrated digital experience – removes the internal silos that can slow innovation and allows the consumer perspective to be simulated throughout the design and delivery process. What is the effect? Start-ups can accelerate time-to-market. With the 3DEXPERIENCE platform they can save a significant amount of time and costs in developing prototypes.
Let’s try to imagine the labor market in the next 10 years. Which professions are likely to emerge?
According to the estimates by The Institute of the Future 65 percent of the jobs today’s students will do in their careers haven’t been invented yet. May sound scary, but this is actually the fast changing reality we’ve got used to over the years. The talent acquisition teams predict that in 10 years many of new jobs will spin off from key technologies that are emerging today —alternative energy, autonomous cars, augmented reality, cryptocurrencies and blockchain developments, just to name a few. Anticipating the new jobs may of course help to outline some directions, but I believe that the real question is whether we manage to equip the students with skills and know-how that will empower them to face any future challenges.
Ireneusz Borowski, since July 2019, is a Country Manager Poland at Dassault Systèmes. In this position he is responsible for reinforcing the local presence and expanding the market position of Dassault Systèmes in Poland. He is also responsible for supporting Dassault Systèmes customers in digital transformation as well as business development in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary. Ireneusz Borowski joined Dassault Systèmes in 2008, and to date, as Senior Manager Sales & Business Development Eastern Europe,prepared business development plans for Poland, Czech Republic,Slovakia,Hungary and managed the sales in Eastern Europe. Prior to this, as Senior Sales Manager Eastern Europe, Partner Success Management EUROCENTRAL, he steered the sales of indirect channels. Ireneusz Borowski commenced his career in 1998 at AutoR KSI, then he worked as an Account Manager and Special Program Manager in CNS Solutions. In 2000 he joined Premium Technology as a Product Manager and for the following 8 years was engaged at different levels of management.Ireneusz Borowski graduated from Warsaw University of Technology with a degree in automobile and heavy machinery engineering.
Last Updated on December 9, 2022 by Anastazja Lach