Success in business is a win-win based on values. Kamil Mazuruk, CEO Good One
When did the idea to start the company come about? Where did you get the resources necessary to launch and start your business?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always thought about being an entrepreneur and running a business. I gained my first experience in this area while studying economics. I was introduced to business, marketing and consulting owing to the fact that I was associated with student organizations, e.g. ConQuest Consulting. The next step was studying in the Netherlands, student internships and finally working in marketing at the global company named Mars. Working for Mars I learned the most in the field of marketing and management while working in Poland, Cyprus and Malta. It was then that the idea to start my own company was born, and the money saved from working at Mars allowed me to make this idea a reality in 2009.
Why did you become interested in this industry? Do you think running a business in this industry is a bull’s-eye?
I have always been interested in marketing, economics and management. Experience related to studies, projects in the field of consulting and work in marketing for global brands in Poland and abroad made it right for me to create Good One, which is currently a marketing and consulting group. Recently, the 14th year of operation and continuous development shows that it was definitely a hit the bull’s-eye. We live in a time when consumers value brands, not the product or service itself. Even if a company operates in the B2B industry, if it wants to become popular in the maze of competition and win the battle, it must take care of its marketing and appropriate communication and sales channels. The services of the Good One group are used by companies ranging from medium-sized Polish enterprises to global brands. The recent global market turmoil related to the pandemic or the war in Ukraine unexpectedly became an additional accelerator for our services, showing their importance when it comes to running business in the 21st century.
How did you imagine being an entrepreneur before starting your own business?
First of all, I imagined that everything would go much faster. I remember it well, when after 3 months of running Good One, I called a friend, an experienced entrepreneur, asking what I was doing wrong, that I had not yet achieved the results that would allow me to pay my workers the salary I had in the corporation. He cooled my enthusiasm by explaining how it usually goes in business. I finally reached my goal after 3 years, but it was worth it.
Who are your company’s clients? What are the main customer issues you need to deal with? Do you believe in the principle – customer is King?
Good One’s clients are mainly medium and large Polish companies, but also global corporations. My solid state is: customers want to sell more and more expensive. However, this does not mean that they address their inquiries to us in this way. Some need support in building the right brand image, others need effective communication and sales through social media. Others ask to support their online sales or influencer marketing. Our values include partnership, proactivity and trust. This action in accordance with them makes us try to create an atmosphere of joint pursuit of specific goals from the very beginning, working hand in hand with the client. Our clients are aware that by entrusting us with certain activities, they entrust them to professionals who will perform them at the highest level. That is why we are far from the principle of the customer is King – it would mean some limitations for us and the lack of a partnership approach in the projects we run.
How does the state facilitate or hinder becoming and being an entrepreneur?
I am an optimist by nature, so I would not want to be pouring out negative opinions about the inconsiderable or incompetent state support, so I will make only one comment. I wish that the Polish state would care more about the image of the Polish entrepreneur. At the moment, it does not do much in this area, and the entrepreneur still has closer associations with a “crafty self-employer citizen” than with a person who takes up challenges, invests and risks to develop his company, which not only supports the state with taxes, but very often employs many, if not hundreds of people, thus building the Polish economy.
Is it possible to run a business anywhere or only in capitalism?
Capitalism teaches us continuous momentum, increasing efficiency. On the other hand, there is more and more talk about ethics in business, responsibility and sustainable development. This means that capitalism does not have to be the only system conducive to business.
Have you had any crises that made you want to give up your business and pursue something else?
Running a business has not only ups but also downs. My optimistic view of the world and commitment to what I do mean that I always try to translate my failures into valuable lessons that strengthen me and the company. At the moment, fortunately, there was nothing serious enough to consider quitting.
What is the mission and what is your vision for further development of the company? What is left to achieve?
Good One as a group has aspirations to support leaders in their industries in Poland and in the world. We are already implementing this in Poland, and with selected projects we also go beyond the borders of our country or Europe. We want to be the first choice business partner for every growing company.
If you could turn back time, what would you change in running your business?
I wouldn’t want to do that. I’ve learned to like the mistakes I make. Going back in time, I would risk committing others ;-).
What are the biggest failures you have experienced and which have taught you the most? How do you approach business failures?
Missed investments, lost tenders or mistakes made in the area of communication, building and managing teams are an indispensable part of running a business. Each failure is a lesson and provides you with better skills, business reflection and drawing conclusions. For me, it is always an opportunity to correct my actions and make improvements. It is also a valuable lesson building our experience from which our clients can profit.
What style of people management do you prefer? How do you feel about the fact that the fate of many people depends on you?
At Good One, we try to have as flat a structure as possible, in which everyone plays an important role and has a direct opportunity to influence ongoing projects and internal operations of the company. We value proactivity, trust and transparency, which means that many decisions are made based on a joint dialogue
What predispositions, personality traits, knowledge and skills should an entrepreneur have to succeed in business? Which do you consider the most important?
Such person definitely shouldn’t give up. Perseverance in pursuing the goal and overcoming obstacles are key to success. When it comes to an entrepreneur – openness, communicativeness and willingness to constantly learn certainly help. Regardless of the industry, it is worth cultivating the ability to take risks and quickly learn from the mistakes of others and your own.
Is an entrepreneur a job, a vocation or a kind of madness? Is business a win-win or a bloodthirsty race?
I believe this is a calling, or at least it should be. If we are thinking about a long-term business, I cannot imagine that such a business would not be based on win-win. Only delivering value makes it possible to stay on the market in the long run.
Does the status of an entrepreneur ennoble? When does an entrepreneur feel fulfilled?
Things look much better in the west. In Poland, most of people still associate it with “privateers”. Of course, this is changing, but it is not yet the stage for the term “entrepreneur” to arouse extraordinary admiration. And fulfilment for me as an entrepreneur is the ability to rely on the people who create the company without the need to coordinate and control every area of its operation.
Should an entrepreneur be modest or quite the opposite? Does it depends on the type of business you run?
Excessive modesty certainly does not help in business development. As an entrepreneur, it is worth knowing your value and being able to convince your surroundings, employees or customers of it. Of course, history knows duos of businessmen, where one person was considered to be modest, and the other did the whole show. The good example of it is Steve Jobs and Wozniak, creators of Apple. Self-confidence, as long as it is supported by knowledge, experience and the right image, is always welcome and can have a positive impact on business.
It is said that the entrepreneur works 24 hours a day? How much truth is there? Is work-life balance possible?
Definitely, an entrepreneur is usually mentally with his company for more than 8 hours a day. Life intertwines with work, but if you like what you do, there is no need to divide your life into “Life” and “Work”. Personally, I think that the whole “balance” in life is not about being torn between things you admire, but rather about smooth and understandable interpenetration in such a way that work does not tire and life is not an escape from it. I do not wish anyone to work 24/h, as well as running away from it for the weekend, only to return to it sadly on Monday.
Albert Einstein said, “Try not to become successful. Become a man of values instead. What values do you follow in life and business? Can business be reliable, people-friendly and ecological?
Common values mean that there is agreement not only within the organization, but also between us and people from the companies we work with. We are guided by such values as: trust, partnership, proactivity, understanding, optimism, reflection and transparency. They allow you to run your business ethically and effectively. Reflection on the world around us, understanding the laws governed by it, as well as transparency in action allow us to look optimistically into the business future of more ecological and people-friendly companies.
Are you involved in charity work, helping people who are less successful in life? What specific actions have you taken?
In the Good One group, each year together with our employees and clients we engage in the Noble Gift campaign. In addition, selected agencies support foundations, organizations and social and cultural initiatives by offering them their services. For example, SeoFly supported the Good Food Institute with SEO services, Good One PR supports the Institute of Mother and Child, and the DIEA agency prepared outfits for the nationwide dance tournament 1000 Lakes Dance Cup.
Are you a happy man? What makes you happy the most, now that you’ve achieved so much?
I am definitely a happy person. Privately, my happiness is my wife and three sons. In business terms, it’s the fact that I still like what I do and I love the people with whom I create and develop Good One.

Kamil Mazuruk, Chief Executive Officer
The owner and manager of the Good One marketing and consulting group, which has been supporting Polish and foreign brands in the areas of Public Relations, Social Media, SEO & SEM, Digital & Influencer Marketing for 14 years. He gained many years of industry experience working for international brands such as Mars and Meyn. He also effectively helps Polish startups by supporting their marketing and sales activities.
Last Updated on June 26, 2023 by Anastazja Lach