Skotan S.A. in the new reality – stable activities and future plans

None has expected that the year 2020 would be so unique for all entrepreneurs. All the business strategies and plans still valid in January were unexpectedly evaluated in March. Small, average and huge companies have been equally affected by the new reality. Special working conditions or temporarily suspended productions had and still have an enormous influence on the functioning of companies and  Polish economy.

Recent events, which occur all over the world, forced us to face a new challenge of finding ourselves in the new reality. Current situation has quickly evaluated which companies were well prepared for the unexpected. Manufacturers, whose strategies were based on the import of the half products -mainly from China – have faced a huge problem – uncertainty, if in the time of limited international transport they would be still able to produce and manufacture their products.

For many years, Skotan S.A. relies on the safe Polish delivery chain. Variety of suppliers and developed logistics allowed us, even in this difficult time, for continuous production of the company’s flag products such as EstroVita  dietary supplements. – Those activities and strictly defined development path are also visible in the company’s financial statement. Steady upward trend is noticeable and the  company’s first quarter was ended above the financial expectations. Despite of the unstable market situation, it’s a  very good prognosis for the following quarters. However, not the financial statements are important but the high quality of the production and care of every aspect in the company’s structure.

In the critical moment, it was a priority for Skotan S.A. to guarantee the highest safety standards for the administrative employees. Remote working system was introduced as a part of that safety programme. Those employees who stayed in the company haven’t noticed any significant difference. This is because, even before the sanitary regime was incorporated, it’s production plants had strictly defined safety requirements including proper outfits,  protective masks, gloves as well as disinfection of workstations.  Nonetheless, reorganisation of work, which complies with the sanitary requirements, was introduced. Occupational safety and hygiene instructions are also strictly obeyed with particular regard to compulsory mask-wearing and temperature checks. General well-being of the workers is also monitored. Skotan S.A. guided by concern for the health and safety of the customers withheld cash
on delivery services. The online shop works without any changes, offering the customers other forms of delivery, mainly by courier. 

“Currently anything can happen. All our activities and efforts are not only aimed at ensuring the sense of security  to our employees and customers but also at maintaining the production and sells at stable levels.” – says Jacek Kostrzewa the President of the Company.

Skotan S.A. facing the current worldwide problems devised a new formula, owing to which EstroVita Immuno product was developed. It’s a dietary supplement with the highly concentrated content of Omega -3, -6, -9  fatty acids which are isolated from the unique composition obtained from four vegetable oils (linseed oil , blackcurrant oil, black seed oil and evening primrose oil) EstroVita Immuno contains a carefully selected composition of Omega-3/Omega-6  fatty acids with the excellent Omega-3/Omega-6 ratio and the A, D, E, K complex. Vitamins A and D are responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system and the presence of the blackcurrant oil helps to strengthen whole human body. EstroVita Immuno, in the form
of ethyl esters, ensures the excellent bioavailability and high bio-retention in the human body. Caring for the youngest, a new  and unique formula  for EstroVita Immuno Kids product
is currently being developed. The product will be dedicated to children who are at least 3 years old. A half of a teaspoon provides 100% of the daily requirement for all omega acids: Omega-3 (α-linolenic acid): 1,2g – Omega-6( linolenic acid): 0,4g – Omega 9 (oleic acid): 0,45 g – Vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopherol): 8 mg – beta-carotene: 1800 µg – Vitamin K₂-MK7 (menaquinone-7): 30 µg – Vitamin D₃ (cholecalciferol): 25 µg. It is worth mentioning that the aforementioned product dedicated to children will have a unique flavour.

“We are a company with long traditions on the Polish market. As most companies, we make every effort to develop and work productively. Recent situation all over the word, is not easy, however I honestly believe that due to our hard work and policy we are able to maintain the stable level and strengthen our brand name on the Polish and foreign markets. We are facing a huge challenge, but we stay positive” – emphasises Jacek Kostrzewa the President of the Company.


Skotan S.A.

Last Updated on January 27, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
