Bank Millennium app added to Huawei AppGallery

Bank Millennium app added to Huawei AppGallery

The bank’s mobile app is already in AppGallery, the app store of Huawei devices. For the time being the app is available for GMS units (Google Mobile Services), and soon – after integration with HMS (Huawei Mobile Services), it will also be available for downloading to the latest Huawei smartphones and tablets.

As announced we are releasing the current version of the app in the Huawei store. We are also working on full integration with Huawei Mobile Service, so that customers with newer smartphones, who have so far not had the opportunity, could also use our app – Halina Karpińska, Director of Electronic Banking Department in Bank Millennium, said.

Adding Bank Millennium’s app is further proof that we are carrying out the promised plan to develop the category of banking apps in AppGallery. This is also another example that our cooperation with the partner is not just integration, it is also about the rich suite of promotional activities, which are about to come Witold Walczak, Ecosystem Development Director in Huawei CBG Polska, said.

Bank Millennium’s mobile app provides convenient access to finances anywhere and anytime. It has extensive personalisation capabilities, is part of omnichannel processes and provides solutions in open banking. Among other things it enables contactless payments, transfers, payments for city transport tickets and car parking, also allowing payment for motorways without having to wait in a queue and take a ticket. In open banking it provides the Finanse 360° service, which allows checking the account balance and history of transactions on an account in no less than nine other banks, as well as the opportunity to confirm income when applying for a cash loan by means of logging on to one of eight other banks.

The bank’s mobile app also makes use of augmented reality technology for setting-up a deposit, it allows motor insurance to be bought with use of Aztec code from the vehicle’s registration certificate or travel insurance with the innovative “Travel assistance” service. The bank’s mobile banking also allows updating data of an identity document, conveniently getting credit products when additional cash is needed as well as having many other matters sorted out expeditiously. It continues to be developed.

AppGallery is a proprietary Huawei app store, which now offers already more than 1000 Polish apps and over 96,000 globally. Every month the store has over 490 million active users worldwide. The store is part of the Huawei Mobile Services ecosystem, which also comprises such services as Cloud, Browser and Motives. The key to the HMS ecosystem is Huawei ID, i.e. a digital user identifier, which allows fast and easy access to services on Huawei devices.

With AppGallery store users in mind, a dedicated Facebook page was created:, which contains news and information on latest apps as well as allowing an exchange of experience and opinions.


Bank Millenium

Last Updated on May 5, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
