Business digitalization: trend mode or necessity?

Redefining operating principles of the entire organization, and not just focusing on reducing operating costs, is the key to successful implementation of digital transformation.

Digital transformation has been the main business idea for years, according to which entrepreneurs strive to optimize key areas. Behind this theme hides the desire to reduce operating costs in accordance with a simple equation: how much the process has cost so far versus how much time and money it requires after changes.

From e-act to change of business operation

Speed of current changes in business exceeds significantly everything we have experienced so far. New legal regulations, in particular:

– a regulation on sending invoices in an electronic form, rules for their storage and the mode of making them available to tax authority or fiscal control authority,

– amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure, which allows to seizure bank accounts electronically,

– laws allowing to maintain personal documentation in the electronic version or a government project eDoręczenia (planned implementation this year) to electronically deliver registered mail, accelerate implementation of digital transformation.

The above changes, combined with technologies available on the market such as intelligent networks, through cloud solutions, content management platforms, big data, blockchain, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), completely change the way companies operate, build products and services as well as customer service. Digital transformation is a fundamental change in the way of operating, although it seems impossible for many companies to achieve, it is certainly unavoidable.

Difficulties and failures

The awareness of direction of change is high and there is a general consensus about the need for transformation. However, according to research, over 80% of projects in the area of digital transformation fail. Why is this happening?

First of all, for many organizations, digital transformation is a threat to the achieved status-quo. Especially large organizations are reluctant to leave their own comfort zone. That is why they lack consistency and determination in action. It is deadly for such broad and perspective projects as digital transformation. As a result of this approach, we have offer proceedings and tenders that lasts several years and do not go into the implementation phase. With time, losing its importance, until the moment when nobody remembers, what were key assumptions and what was the purpose of the project. They go quietly into oblivion without announcing a spectacular failure.

How to successfully implement digitalization?

In order to be in a group of companies that successfully implement digital transformation, it is necessary above all to be aware that transformation is a project and not a process. Purchase of even the most innovative solutions will not bring any benefits, especially in the situation when you try to map analogue processes in digital world.

Starting point of Xerox methodology is the question: what will client’s business look like in the perspective of three and even five years? What tools will clients have and what their expectation will be? Such vision of the future is the basis for a detailed analysis of current state. This allows to plan a sequence of changes, which will be understandable not only for decision makers, but for all employees. A clear picture of the future is a key motivator for implementing changes at every level of the company.

Xerox as a provider of innovative technology in the area of data management, documents and business processes puts a special emphasis on the consulting layer of digital transformation projects. Technology is important, but these are only tools. Used inappropriately will not bring the expected results. On the other hand, advising in building the vision of the future does not guarantee success, however, increases probability of achieving it. One thing is certain: the one who does not try will not win.



Last Updated on February 26, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
