MFiPR on innovation funding in the EU.7 budget

MFiPR on innovation funding in the EU.7 budget

  • The Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy informs: The 7th Congress of Polish Clusters has started. The participants of the meeting are looking for a recipe for returning to the path of dynamic economic development. The possible forms of supporting innovation were discussed during the opening by Deputy Minister Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak. One of the driving forces of the economy are broadly understood innovation and entrepreneurship. The competitiveness of the economy is largely determined by the extent to which it is able to generate and develop new technologies. Clusters play a huge role in this process, creating an environment for cooperation between enterprises, research institutions and local governments, began Deputy Minister Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak. As noted by the deputy head of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, companies operating in clusters are more innovative than non-network companies, register more trademarks and apply for more patents, as well as cooperate and export more from companies outside the clusters. In the new EU budget for 2021-2027, we will allocate almost EUR 11.4 billion to support an innovative, R&D-based economy, of which nearly EUR 8 billion will be available in the European Funds for Modern Economy Program. It is the successor of the Intelligent Development Program – added Deputy Minister Jarosińska-Jedynak. The European Funds for Modern Economy program is a national program addressed to all entrepreneurs. In the coming years, it will be a source of support for innovative, research and development projects that increase the competitiveness of the Polish economy, and combine science with business. The offer available in the Program has been prepared in such a way as to help entrepreneurs finance the entire R & D & I process, support enterprises at every stage of development, enable the development of research and development infrastructure, or enable financing high-risk projects, as well as support “green” and digital transformation enterprises. Support under the program will be provided in the form of both non-returnable grants, as well as financial instruments and mixed forms of support. “New European programs for 2021-2027. Financing the development, innovation and reconstruction of Poland in the new financial perspective and after the Covid-19 crisis ”is the slogan of the 7th Congress of Polish Clusters, which takes place from 4 to 5 November.

Last Updated on November 5, 2021 by Redakcja
