SABUR Innovation Day.

SABUR Innovation Day.

On October 28, SABUR will host the largest multi-brand meeting on building and industrial automation this year – the SABUR Innovation Day.

The event will consist of:

  • 6 thematic blocks.
  • The most modern systems IoT, Cybersecurity, MES, Industry 4.0, PV, BMS.
  • The most inspiring application scenarios.
  • The most interesting implementation stories.

Moreover – a pre-premiere show of a new proprietary solution by SABUR – CERTAGO.

You manage the enterprise, you are the owner or administrator of real estate, you run a modern farm. In the field of automation, you are rather a novice, but you know how to run a business and appreciate the importance and role of modern technologies. You are open to new products and consciously invest in solutions that allow you to improve efficiency or reduce costs … this event is for you.

You are an automation engineer, by education or passion. You are interested in modern technologies. You have an open mind and you don’t like taking shortcuts. You are enthusiastic about new ideas. You are the enemy of routine. You are willing to develop your skills and test them in practice. Are you looking for answers to specific questions (your own or your clients) or inspiration for further work … you will find them in SABUR’s presentations.

CERTAGO created by SABUR. Pre-premiere show of the new solution. Certago – a modern approach to the analysis and management of process data.Universal solution for the worlds of OT, IT, IoT;Overview of the most important functionalities of the system;system architecture;Communication possibilities;Sample application scenariosValue added for the user; Why is it worth it?Follow the thread to the ball. The path of information from the production hall to the SCADA system, in accordance with the idea of ​​Industry 4.0. The role and importance of information in Industry 4.0;Designing solutions and implemented processes;Data sources and their influence on the shape of the system;Hardware components – features, properties;Software – role and functionality;Communication – an integral part of the solution; Benefits – synergy effect.
From the basement to the roof. Modern BMS systems. BMS – user expectations;BMS – reality;system architecture;The most important functionalities of the solution;Different benefits for different types of users;The system in practice;First of all – don’t take any chances! Solutions for (cyber) security of OT networks. Cybersecurity in automation systems – threats, risk factors, scenarios;Tools increasing the level of security;Cybersecurity in the area of ​​network communication and remote connections;Encrypted communication standards;
Sunny patrol. System for the management and monitoring of solar farms. Recipients of the solution – their needs and expectations;Idea of ​​the solution – assumptions and goals;Concept – a simplified action diagram;Functionalities and distinguishing features.Effects – measurable and non-measurable benefits;Practical demonstration.Where cable can’t… Wireless communication and IoT in practice. LPWan networks (Low Power Wide Area Networks) – basic parameters, features, challenges;Introduction to LoRaWAN – benefits and application possibilities;How it’s done? – elements of the communication network;Own communication network – from design to commissioning.Value added, sample scenarios;


Last Updated on October 25, 2021 by Redakcja