Coverage of the X edition of Executive Innovation Forum!
On November 28th at the Sheraton Grand Warsaw hotel, was the site of the X edition of the conference organized by Executive Club – Executive Innovation Forum. The substantive part of the event was highlighted by four discussion panels and four presentations by orators, and in the evening, during the ceremonial Gala, we got to know the results of the “Innovation Diamonds” contest. After announcing the winners, there was the evening banquet and concert by the Ada Kiepura Quartet.

The substantive segment was opened by a presentation from Mr. Pawel Zuk – Board Chairman of the Medical-Diagnostic Centre and Mr. Pawel Kikosicki – Director of the Centre for e-Health, under the heading “Digital innovations as key components in the healthcare system”. They discussed topics relating to computerization and digitization of the healthcare sector. Building of the e-health ecosystem in Poland according to prelegates relies on digitization and cybersecurity, interworking and communication, sharing and exchanging data and new technologies. A lot of attention was focused on the fact that thanks to digital solutions such as e-prescriptions, we were able to prevent about 1 million deaths during the pandemic. Concepts such as central e-registration and e-blood system were proposed.

The next part of the program was a presentation by Mr. Pawel Stefanski – General Manager at Balluff, titled “Curiosity is the first step to….?”. During his presentation he generally discussed comprehensive solutions in the range of sensors, identification and processing of the overview of technological networks. He said that it is important to introduce modern solutions into companies, making it easier for clients to access the so-called digital world, which is an absolute must. Speaking of introducing innovations, especially in organizations that already have a history of doing so, we frequently speak about cultural transformation, because the most challenging task is changing our habits.

After two presentations came the first discussion panel about innovative organizations. The moderator for this panel was Lukasz Sztern, Supervisor of the Innovative Brokers Department at the Centre for Innovations and Transfer of Technologies, from the Warsaw University of Technology. Taking part were: Krzysztof Dziegielewski, an attorney, Board Member at the CEFARM Pharmaceutical Centre, Agnieszka Hrynkiewicz-Sudnik, Finance and Innovation BL Director at Ayming, Dariusz Jasak, Board Chairman Seen Technologies, Grzegorz Slomkowski, Board Member at Polish Investment and Trade Agency, Janusz Szulik, Board Chairman at TU INTER Polska and TU-INTER LIFE Polska, Dr. Albert Tomaszewski, Researcher of entrepreneurship and innovative strategies at the SGH school in Warsaw. Topics such as DNA innovation in the organization’s body and the need for maximizing financing sources, by this also increasing the level of innovation in our country were tackled. The pharmaceutical industry was called one of the most innovative and fastest growing, and Polish companies were encouraged to take more confident actions in searching for innovative solutions. It is important to invest and implement innovations in your companies and not be afraid. We also got to know topics relating to the dual model of sales, which envelopes technological aspects and aspects relating to direct contact with people.

After the first discussion panel, Dariusz Kwiecinski, Board Chairman at Fujitsu Poland led the first case study entitled “Digital Transformation in practice”, during which he discussed rules for implementing a successful digital transformation. Despite the fact that 90% of companies declare implementation of digital strategy, two thirds admit that they do not have this strategy. Uncertainty of change is natural, but it can be overcome through presenting data and arguments. It is important to not rely on just abstract examples of implemented models. A solid output analysis of clients needs and realistic assumptions is the best recipe for reluctance to change.

Next came the second discussion panel, moderated by Dominika Bosek-Rak, supervisor of post-diploma studies of Digital Transformation, adjutant at the Department of Theory of Management at SGH. Among the panelists were: Mateusz Bartoszcze, Deputy Director at EIB Krakow, legal counsel, Academic Professor, Ireneusz Borowski, Country Manager at Dassault Systemes, Jacek Figula, Chief Commercial Officer at Billon Group, Jedrzej Kowalczyk, Board Chairman at FANUC Polska, Dariusz Kwiecinski, Board Chairman at Fujitsu, Boguslaw Los, Director at the Technological Solutions for Business at APN Promise, Michal Zwyrtek, Financial Director at APA Group. Panelists discussed actions that an organization must take to optimize operations and increase productivity and the role of digitalization in scalability of business. Moreover, there was mention of the biggest challenges in the process of digital transformation and the influence of the current economic, geopolitical, environmental and social situations on the trends in digital transformation. The panelists devoted a lot of time to blockchain technologies and her implementation in corporations.

After the lunch break, Ewa Giniewska – Business Development Executive at MTWO Poland, was the next speaker and she presented her “MTWO Construction Cloud – the driving force behind digital transformation in the construction industry”, she discussed the most important matters related to new age technologies that are being used in construction. At the introduction Mrs. Ewa pointed out that innovation is a woman that is able to surprise a great deal. In her presentation she also talked about challenges in the construction industry, that being: inflation, raising interest rates, price increase of materials, disturbances in the chain of supply and shortage of staff. As Mrs. Ewa pointed out, automation of processes influences the increase in productivity, a transfer of knowledge and synergy of actions between investors is key to even quicker market growth and promotion of innovation.

After the presentation came time for a special panel titled “Leadership of women in the era of innovation”. The moderator was Professor Rafal Ohme, CEO at Digital Emotions. Participants in the discussion were: Sylwia Bilska, General Manager at Edenred Polska, Anna Heimberger, Marketing Director at InPost Polska, Barbara Kozierkiewicz, Executive Director at Global Clinical Solutions, Deputy Director at AstraZeneca Pharma Poland, Aleksandra Kucharek, Director of Development at Panattoni, Malgorzata Milczarek-Bukowska, Senior HR Executive, Ewa Wernerowicz, Board Director at Soonly Finance, Marta Wojciechowska, Board Chairperson at Fiberhost. The panelists began their discussion with a presentation of research results conducted using artificial methods, designed to disclose what we really think, not what we declare/ 82% of those questioned think that women are more suited for supervisory positions, but only 27% actually believe it. Despite this, the role of women in business is constantly being solidified because innovativeness demands variety, and variety has influence on creativity. A homogeneous group shares the same experiences, thinks alike and it is very difficult to come up with something innovative. Conclusions derived from the debate present science and technology with a serious challenge: we need a sensitive artificial intelligence.

The last discussion panel entitled “Startups – how to successfully support growth of Polish innovation?” which was moderated by Robert Lugowski, Directing Partner at Cobin Angels, Board Member at the European Business Angels Network (EBAN). Taking part in the discussion were Agnieszka Jasinska-Kolodziej, acting Director of Commercialization Department at Lukasiewicz Centrum, Bartlomiej Pawlak, Deputy Director at of the Board at the Polish Growth Fund, Seweryna Afanasjew, Board Chairwoman at 4FM, Head of Asset Management at Global Trade Centre, Alicja Tatarczuk, Manager for matters relating to social responsibility of business at Huawei Polska, Ksenia Wojcik-Karasiewicz, Director of the of the Office for Managing of Beneficiary Service at the National Centre for Research and Growth, Michal Zdziarski PhD, Supervisor at the Workshop for Strategic and International Management, Department of Management at University of Warsaw, Founder of Wheelstair and MeWheel. At the introduction the panelists discussed whether young companies can achieve success in startups, under the wings of major corporations, taking advantage of their financing. It is worth remembering that the idea is simply an inspiration to establish companies, success depends on convincing the client that we offer real benefits that are worth paying for. At the conclusion of the panel, the prelegates attempted to answer the question, whether large donations go hand in hand with innovative success of business? It was also highlighted that it is important to prepare the team to absorb large funds and the importance of understanding that investors’ money is only a form of assistance, and the company itself is the entity that generates value that can be commercialized.

Innovation Diamonds
After the conclusion of the substantive segment, came the evening gala, which was officially opened by Michal Kleiber PhD – President of the Council at Executive Club, President of the Polish Committee to matters relating to Unesco, Chevalier of the White Eagle Medal and Beata Radomska – CEO of Executive Club.
The culminating point of the Gala was the awards ceremony in 9 Contest Categories, which recognized the best companies and most distinguished managers and leaders in business. Additionally two special awards were handed out: Counsel of Startups and Socially Responsible Innovative Company.
Recipients of “Innovative Diamonds”
BLIK, PKO Bank of Poland
Honeywell, Michelin
Westinghouse Electric Poland
AstraZeneca Pharma Poland, Pfizer Polska
Bioelektra Group
Autenti, BMW
Magdalena Dziewguc – Country Manager, Google Cloud Poland
Counsel of Startups
Huawei Polska
Innovative company that is socially responsible
Ekipa Holding

Organizer: Executive Club
Honorary Patrons:
GovTech, Collegium Civitas, Stanislaw Lem’s Polish Future Institute, The Capital City of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, Polish Agency for Enterprise Growth, Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology, Polish Chamber for Digital Radiofusion, Polish Business and Innovation Centers Association in Poland, School of Business at the Warsaw University of Technology, Honorary Patron: JM Rector at SGH in Warsaw.
Strategic Partner:
Pfizer Polska
Leading Patrons:
AstraZeneca Pharma Poland, Huawei Polska
Gold Partners:
Dassault Systèmes, Fanuc
APA Group, APN Promise, Apsys, Ayming, Balluff, Billon Group, Centrum Medyczno Diagnostyczne, Coface, Edenred, Ekipa Holding, EIB, Fakro, Fiberhost, Fujitsu, InPost, Inter Polska, National Centre for Growth and Technology, Nokia, Nowy Styl, Panattoni, Polish AGency for Innovation and Trade, Seen Technologie, SoftwareOne, Soonly Finance
Social Patrons:
Demos, Integration Foundation, Siemacha
Technical Partner:
Main Media Patrons:
Executive Magazine, Wirtualna Polska, Money.pl, Biznes i Ekologia, Ekonatura
Media Patrons:
Automatyka Przemysłowa, Warsaw Busines Journal, HalePrzemyslowe.plus, iAutomatyka.pl, InzynierUR.pl – Portal Utrzymania Ruchu, Isbtech, Kapitał Polski, kursy automatyki.pl, manager24, MasterMatch.online, niepełnosprawni.pl, Obserwator Gospodarczy, Obserwator Logistyczny, portalprzemyslowy.pl, Staleo.pl – Stale o Przemyśle, Wiadomości Warszawskie, zrobotyzowany.pl
Last Updated on December 9, 2022 by Anastazja Lach