For BOLIX S.A. corporate social responsibility is not just a catchphrase
Corporate social responsibility is a management strategy, where a company, to the extent possible, acts in a manner benefiting society and environment and is committed to maintaining good relations with different stakeholder groups, and employees in particular.
At BOLIX S.A. this social and economical idea is not just a buzzword, but we regard it as an opportunity for progress, which, meeting the needs of the present, will not compromise the ability of future generations to develop and meet their own needs.
We are well aware that being socially responsible means our commitment to human resources, protecting the environment, building and maintaining relationships with the company’s closer and further environment, as well as ensuring open information policy. These actions, in addition to being logical and desirable from a business point of view, also help the company to gain a competitive advantage and contribute to social and economic sustainability.
30 years have passed. Bolix yesterday and now
The history of BOLIX S.A. is part of the history of great economic changes that have taken place in Poland over the last three decades. Last year we celebrated the company’s 30th anniversary. It is a great occasion to reflect on the long way the Polish economy has travelled over this time and how our company has been able to find its way in this complex reality.
From the very beginning, BOLIX has focused on innovation and the high quality of its products. The first professional machines for the production of building chemicals appeared as early as 1997. This was certainly an extremely important moment in company’s history and it came together with the introduction of product quality control, building an effective communication system and organisation of sales. From the outset, the company’s main aim has been to modernise and automate the production process, which, combined with advanced quality control, resulted in products meeting the needs of our customers and customer satisfaction.
Now, BOLIX is a modern company operating not only in Poland, but across Europe and manufacturing top-quality products.
We are a part of the environment
Over the years, BOLIX S.A. has been devoted to environmental concerns. They are part of the company’s responsible business strategy are addressed at every step of the company’s processes. We care about the relations with the environment and make every effort to minimise or eliminate the negative impacts of our activities on the environment. Our company is quality-oriented. We strictly control the quality of our products, making sure that they are safe for the users and the environment.
Future generations will pay the price for our actions today, and thus we need to take a responsible approach, making every effort that the decisions we make now, will bring a positive change, not a disapproval and shame.
For these reasons, at BOLIX, sustainability and the idea of social responsibility are embedded in our business strategy. This idea, while driving our mission and vision, is present in our everyday decisions.
We included social interests, environmental protection and good relations with various social groups in our corporate strategy, already at the stage of its development.
We are constantly striving to improve not only the quality of our products, but also the manufacturing and working methods, not only to ensure a decent standard of living, but also satisfaction and contentment to the people involved in the company’s processes.
We are aware that the goals we have set for ourselves within the framework of CSR are very ambitious, but we trust that we are able to achieve them.
Last Updated on October 8, 2022 by Valeriia Honcharuk