Storage yards in Port of Gdynia (2020-2022)

Storage yards in Port of Gdynia (2020-2022)

NDI is building new manoeuvring and storage yards in the area of the Logistics Centre. The total area of over 17 hectares will be used to store containers and wind farm components.

General Contractor have 22 months to complete the construction. The consortium will carry out two concrete pavement yards with underground utilities. As part of the construction of Square No. 1, a linear drainage system is to be built, as well as the reconstruction and construction of underground and above-ground utilities is to be performed. It also means the construction of a storm water drainage system, sanitary and water supply system, the so-called hydrant system with a tank and a fire water pumping station.

There are also plans to implement power and telecommunication networks, to build two transformer stations, an open storage tank with access roads, as well as service platforms for refrigerated containers. A similar scope of work concerns Square No. 2. Additionally, an access road will have to be built there from ul. Logistyczna and culvert and a temporary road from ul. Logistyczna in the line of the so-called technological road to the fire-prevention entry to Square no.2. The cost of the investment is estimated at nearly PLN 90 million.

General Contractor NDI

Project’s execution 2020-2022

Investor Port of Gdynia Authority S.A.


NDI Group

Last Updated on August 16, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
