Division Director of IT, Marketing, Member of Management Board of Operations at AmiSter

Currently more and more often company directors emphasize the need for their organization to get more involved in a broader social context and undertake initiatives related to social responsibility of business. What actions in this regard have you taken, how is it realized and what does the term responsible leadership mean to you?

A company is not just a product or service. A company is first and foremost people who everyday lay more bricks on the foundation for cohesive and futuristic success. Each and every person that works for us has a family to support, friends, hobbies, commitments. We keep that in mind, choosing career paths and potential fields of business interest. Also, we try to work together with local technical schools. As an engineering company we believe in the role of education in a person’s growth and development. Which is why we try to create optimal conditions for work and testing our capabilities for not only engineering students and post secondary schools in our region. We believe that every company should give something back to their local community and their city. We try to expand our knowledge and organize optimal space for future engineers to gain work experience. Beyond that we try to take part in events organized by the city and actively propagate a basis that is supposed to give initiative for young people to grow and develop.

More and more investors, financial institutions choose to partner with organizations that are up to the ESG standard. Do you think this is the correct way of going about it? In what way does the company you manage go outside of the “business as usual” model? What does it do for the climate, local communities, diversity and what would you like to implement in the near future?

AmiSter does a really good job of implementing ESG. I already mentioned social matters in short. May I add though, that in Silesian Piekary, where our company is located, there are not that many engineering companies as in neighboring cities. At the same time there is no shortage of talented people that want to get better at programming and taking responsibility for the future of technology. We are a company that works with the newest technologies and as a result we feel the responsibility to disseminate that knowledge that we come in contact with all the time. Streamlining that we introduce as well as systems that we develop, frequently have the task of improving work safety for people and lowering a type of responsibility for documenting their fruits of labor. However in the context of caring for the environment – just recently we switched to powering our warehouse and office by way of RSE. The driving factor behind this decision wasn’t just costs. It is most importantly the realization of proposals chosen by us that have to do with improving the quality of the air we breathe. It is worth mentioning that many of the projects we have completed contribute to improving the effectiveness of our power usage and resources of industrial manufacturers (our clients).

As it goes in many tech companies – our employees are constantly motivated by creativity and desire to build a better tomorrow. Which is why we focus on equality and try to create space for experimenting and realizing ideas. Not only within the organization, but in the local community and amongst our clients. We think every person in our organization can have a real impact on implementing processes of change and coming forth with suggestions. At AmiSter there is no shortage of meetings after which – following exchange of experiences and brainstorms – there is a change in direction. Regardless of someone’s years of work experience, what environment they come from and what position they hold – their ideas are taken in and they are treated equally. I mean, we all had to start somewhere, right? We realize these projects in which we have confidence in and we want them not only to continue to grow but be consistent with ESG.

Every company creates their own corporate policy which contains values seen by clients from the outside. Are clients more willing to select a specific firm because it actually does something good, with what the client identifies or is his decision influenced mainly by price? What is your take on the trends you have observed, is anything changing in that respect?

I think pricing does play a major role. However, we work in an industry where it is sometimes hard to find the common denominator and point of reference. When building machines or IT systems, we frequently come out on top because our clients trust us. They know that if we decide on working together we are able to do anything.

It isn’t just about programming, but the process. The route from the point where the client finds themselves, to the point where they want to be. Especially in the case of implementing complex systems that encompass the entire production area. Currently trust is becoming a priority value. Especially with clients that manage smaller firms and they cannot afford to maintain large engineering departments. Outsourcing in the range of delivering services, programming and system maintenance is cost effective. It takes advantage of our business partners knowledge from his past experiences. On top of that values, to which larger companies pay attention to. Essentially an engineering project is not just realization of the task. It is most of all cooperation between two teams and people that create it. If the two organizations don’t have the same values, then that can lead to unnecessary stress and discrepancy in expectancy.  Supplier evaluations are becoming more restrictive. Parameters taken into consideration are related to size, number of employees or their rotation. More and more often an organization’s values, its face and public opinion play a key role. I think it’s a positive trend.

The growth of values and ethical codes in many organizations can be attest that the awareness of these principles is on the rise. Many managers have declared that their company revolves around ethics. Is honoring the fair play model while managing a guarantee of stable growth?

Definitely yes. As I already mentioned – we are lucky to have the employees we do. The people on our team are intelligent, very well educated, and know exactly what they need to fulfill their aspirations. Fact that our employees want to grow and develop in the ranks of our company, shows their trust in us. They know they will be granted optimal space to both realize their own and team goals. At AmiSter we value equality and respect. Therefore we have teams that work on many projects, it is of utmost importance that these experiences are to be propagated on a wide scale. We believe in our team and in sharing knowledge and experiences. We are proud that clients that we cooperate with share our values. Managing, just like sales, is finding common ground, with respect to a win-win end result. Of course, you have to expect something, but you also have to give something for leverage. Otherwise there is no growth. As a tech company we cannot allow this to happen.

The world needs intelligent and capable leaders that want to positively affect their surroundings. Was there ever a moment where you were searching for deeper meaning behind your work, or the possibility to do something good for your communities or country? Any success in doing so?

I think that in the long run I would not be able to do my job if I did not believe in the sense of it. The effects of work done help in managing our factories. This improves the safety of the workspace for the people, which affects the competitiveness of the country on the global market. Technological companies have a very responsible task at hand. It is not just about creating something new or improving something already in existence. The essence lies in support for our clients businesses to reach higher levels. Essentially this is what affects automation and digitization of production in a company. One must also pinpoint the lowering of the costs of manufacturing, which in turn is felt by the consumers who purchase products from our clients. I strongly believe that we put the proverbial brick in increasing innovation in our country and we have an impact in bettering the quality of creating a global chain of values. Each one of us takes advantage of the many effects of work in industrial production. Often we do not think about how something was actually created and in the process of production all safety standards were followed. The principle of trust is a must. We want to do our part in making sure that this trust principle is not disturbed.

Adrian Stelmach


What captures me the most is the improvement of safety in everything we consume, taking advantage of the newest technologies. This is why I’m digitizing the Industry. I develop tools that decrease production costs and optimize the use of machine facilities. Genealogy of Production, Industry 4.0, successful planning and Manufacturing Execution System (MES) are just some of the fields in my range of interests. All of this nicely coincides with my second passion, which is Economics. In posts on my Blog and publications on my LinkedIn profile you can find plenty of information on the topic of Economics seeded around the context of Industrial Production. On top of that I host the Digital Twin podcast, in which I explain in an understandable way how you can implement new technologies in business.

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Last Updated on December 12, 2022 by Valeriia Honcharuk