How to help children in need in the pandemic era?

The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has turned out to be a significant challenge both for the caregivers and the children under SOS Children’s Villages Poland’s care. Schools were shut down and the school curriculum was confronted with the challenges of remote learning. Learning continuity and obtaining the right equipment entailed additional costs. However, owing to the great commitment of companies, foundations and individual donors the Association is able to continuously reach out with its support to the children who need it most – the abandoned, the orphaned and those from families in crisis.

An example of such co-operation is sourcing by the Association 184 laptops, 70 telephones and PLN 150,000 to buy such equipment – all this thanks to the engagement of the following companies: Amazon, Allianz, Disney, MONAT, Play, the organisation Rotaract Polska and the Polish Rotary Clubs, Prudential Polska with M&G Group plc, Tauber Promotion and partners: Castor Park, Nowy Styl, Peakside Capital Advisors, Rothschild&Co, Spectra Development, Fundacja Orange and Fundacja In Spe, BorgWarner, OVB Allfinanz Polska, Codility Polska.

SOS Children’s Villages Poland also collected PLN 87,000 for UVC lamps (disinfecting the air and preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection) from Prudential Polska with M&G Group plc, Dr Max Zdrowie, Akzo Nobel and owing to an individual donor from the USA. Additionally, the Association received 37 non-contact thermometers which allowed re-initiation of SOS Programmes’ activities (including operations of day care centers for children).

Helping in Zimbabwe

Recently, SOS Children’s Villages Poland also launched a supplementary feeding programme for children in Zimbabwe. The pandemic in this country has aggravated the already difficult situation of children in need. – The assistance is directed to children from 35 villages near the Imire Rhino & Wildlife Conservation. In the coming months we are planning to reach 5000 children from 1700 families in Zimbabwe. The support will include not only the supplementary feeding programme but also other programmes run by SOS – says Barbara Rajkowska, the National Director of SOS Children’s Villages Poland. The Association objectives will be achieved, among others, owing to the support of the „ORLEN – DAR SERCA” Foundation, which donated PLN 30,000 for the school children feeding programme in Zimbabwe.

SOS Children’s Villages for over 36 years has been helping deprived of parental care and those from families in a difficult life situation in Poland. Currently, it provides care to over 1566 children in need. The Association is a part of the international organisation SOS Chidlren’s Villlages International operating in 136 countries.


Barbara Rajkowska, National Director, Association of SOS Children’s Villages in Poland

Last Updated on February 16, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
