Bank Millennium is the climate leader
In the “Climate Leaders Poland 2021” ranking published by the Forbes magazine, Bank Millennium was the top-scoring bank, coming second among Polish companies on the list regarding reduction of greenhouse gases emissions.
The List of Polish Climate Leaders is the first such report in the history of the Polish edition of Forbes. The ranking was created by calculating the annual accumulated rate of reduction of greenhouse gases (CARR), adjusted with revenues. Bank Millennium came second on the list among all participating companies in Poland, with a result of 34% of annual reduction of emissions intensity. It is thus the first bank in the ranking with the best result.
– Green transformation is a major challenge for Poland, Europe and the world, but also a growth opportunity with the banking sector playing an active part in it. We in Bank Millennium are taking an approach focused on man and everything around him. For many years we have been taking actions aimed at caring for the climate with a view to the present but also the future of next generations. For almost a decade we have been monitoring and publishing data regarding own emission levels. We are focusing on reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in our organisation, which is supported i.a. by the dynamic development of e-banking and our concern about the effectiveness of our infrastructure; however we also attach importance to the environmental impact of the projects and undertakings we finance. Lying ahead is implementation of the European Union’s ambitious climate policy as well as the opportunity to take part in development of green projects in the power, construction, transport and other sectors. We want to thank the authors of the ranking list for appreciating these long-term efforts and for promoting climate protection-focused attitudes, which are so dear to our organisation – Joao Bras Jorge, Chairman of the Management Board of Bank Millennium, commented.
Actions for the environment are an integral part of Bank Millennium’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, which involves many initiatives to limit or eliminate negative influence on the natural environment.
It is worth emphasising that historically the exposure of Bank Millennium in financing the coal mining and power generation sector was significantly lower than the average for the banking sector. Bank Millennium, in accordance with the environmental policy, is focusing on three main areas of environmentally-oriented activity: own actions to the benefit of the environment, which aim to reduce consumption of materials, power, water and fuels; the approach to project financing and educating customers, counterparties and employees about the environment.
Since 2011 Bank Millennium Group has been reporting on its environmental impact, including disclosure of data regarding greenhouse gas emissions. Indicators regarding the Group’s environmental impact are measured regularly. Based on analyses of changes of these indicators environmentally-minded actions are implemented.
The data, on which the Forbes “Climate Leaders Poland 2021” ranking is based, are taken from Bank Millennium’s 2018 and 2019 Non-financial Report. They were analysed in-depth by specialists from the Statista company. The ranking created by Forbes in cooperation with Statista aims to draw attention to companies, which are the ones most aware of challenges facing them in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is in-line with Poland’s climate neutrality strategy.
More about Bank Millennium’s pro-environment activities is available in the Bank’s Non-financial Report; https://raportroczny.bankmillennium.pl/2019/pl/raport-niefinansowy/srodowisko-naturalne
Bank Millennium
Last Updated on April 27, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska