Biznesmax guarantee – favourable changes available till end of June

Free of charge Biznesmax BGK guarantees, which support liquidity and investment needs of companies, also allowing loan interest subsidies to be obtained, are available under special terms also in 2021. These terms are valid till 30 June this year. Businesses can get Biznesmax guarantees in Bank Millennium with use of digital channels and qualified signature.

Biznesmax are PLN loan repayment guarantees, available to micro, small and medium companies under two types of state aid: regional aid or de minimis aid. They are a unique combination for guarantees and subsidies – under the programme a company will have loan security and may get partial or full return of interest paid to the bank.

– Active participation in the programme is part and parcel of the bank’s strategy to support businesses in terms of liquidity as well as financing development needs in the form of investments. We are undertaking many activities in this respect. The Covid-19 pandemic caused decrease of demand and increased uncertainty of doing business, which led to limiting company investments. However economists are forecasting that in the long run investment needs and prospects of increasing spending on fixed assets are potentially high. Surveys of the market situation also show that the degree of usage of manufacturing capacity in early 2021 in some industries has returned to levels from before the pandemic or even exceeded them, which gives room for capital expenditure. The expected economic recovery after the pandemic supported with a strong impulse from European funds will require, especially among exporters, renewal and expansion of the machine pool. Additionally Polish manufacturers, in order to face-up to international competition, will not avoid the need to increase commitment to increasing business efficiency, i.a. robotisation. Such programmes as Biznesmax will be of great support for them – Andrzej Gliński, Member of the Management Board of Bank Millennium, said.

Until 30 June this year Biznesmax guarantees will be available under special terms – they are free of charge during their whole period of validity, a high level of protection at 80% of loan principal value has been maintained, they may be granted for up to as long as 20 years and up to the equivalent of 2,5 million EUR. In the release offered during the pandemic the programmed has been enhanced to include the possibility of using a Biznesmax guarantee to secure loans for financing current activity. As regards investment loans the documents submitted by customers have been significantly simplified, which facilitates the application process.

– An important feature of the programme is the loan interest additional payment, even up to 100% of the interest. It is an additional benefit, which is not provided in other BGK guarantee programmes. This provides real support to businesses, optimising the cost of the granted loan – Agnieszka Kucharska, Head of Corporate Banking Credit Products and Process Team in Bank Millennium.

The additional payment is calculated on:

  • disbursed amount of loan principal used to finance eligible costs of the project – applies to loans with a guarantee, which constitutes regional investment aid,
  • disbursed amount of loan principal used for financing in accordance with the purpose specified in the loan agreement – applies to investment as well as non-renewable working capital loans with a guarantee, which constitutes de minimis aid.

As regards loans covered with a guarantee granted till 31 December 2021 the annual rate for calculating the additional payment to interest is 5% of the disbursed amount of loan principal, as maximum up to the amount of interest paid by the business.

In order to get a Biznesmax guarantee, the business must first of all satisfy one of 17 criteria, which proves it is innovative or is assigning the loan proceeds to implementation of an environmental project. In the new programme release an additional criterion – favourable for undertakings – has been introduced – “during the last 5 years I was/we were implementing an environmental project with environmental effect”.


Bank Millennium

Last Updated on February 25, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
