Sustainability and technology: New opportunities for business leaders. Dariusz Piotrowski, Managing Director, Dell Technologies Poland

Sustainability and technology: New opportunities for business leaders. Dariusz Piotrowski, Managing Director, Dell Technologies Poland

How is your company involved in the local community? Are you particularly connected to any specific regions in which you operate?

Community involvement is a core value at Dell Technologies. Our most recent ESG report highlights the extent of these efforts—for example, our employees volunteered 949,000 hours. Over the past four years, more than 396 million people have benefited from digital inclusion programs that provide access to technology, connectivity, digital literacy, and support for under-resourced communities. These global numbers demonstrate that such initiatives are a regular part of Dell Technologies’ operations.

Our employees are active in Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), initiatives that create spaces for employees with shared interests, values, or backgrounds to collaborate and share experiences. Dell Technologies has thirteen employee groups operating in 80 countries. In Poland, active groups include Women in Action, which promotes gender equality, helps women develop leadership skills, and fosters diversity in the organization; Planet, focused on eco-friendly actions and sustainable development; GenNext, aimed at younger employees, promoting intergenerational experience sharing; Pride, dedicated to promoting inclusivity and supporting employees regardless of sexual orientation; Mosaic, which fosters mutual respect and intercultural dialogue; and True Ability, advocating for equal opportunities for people with disabilities.

Each of these groups aims not only to support their respective communities but also to positively impact the entire organization by creating an inclusive work culture, engaging employees in social activities, and supporting personal and professional growth.

Volunteering can take place within these groups, but it’s not limited to them. For example, ERG Planet regularly organizes tree planting events. Recently, employees from our factory, Warsaw office, and R&D center planted 1,500 beech saplings in the Tadzin forest district near Brzeziny. Combined with previous efforts, over 20,000 trees have been planted through our initiatives.

For many years, we have supported the Ronald McDonald Foundation, which works to improve conditions in pediatric hospitals across Poland. We also assist the “Po Drugie” Foundation, which helps at-risk and homeless youth and young adults. For the past two years, we have collaborated with the Masurian Food Bank, providing nutritional support to those in need in the Masurian region. Helping others and working together always builds team spirit, strengthening bonds between colleagues.

What personal qualities do you think are key to effective and accountable leadership?

Empathy and the ability to engage people are the cornerstones of effective leadership. Leaders should inspire their teams through their own involvement and clear communication of vision and strategy. An empathetic approach allows for a better understanding of the team’s needs and expectations, which in turn builds trust and motivation.

Another key quality, especially in today’s world, is flexibility and adaptability. In a dynamically changing business environment, the ability to quickly adjust to new challenges and changes is essential. We must be open to innovation and willing to rethink our strategies in response to new information and situations.

An effective leader must combine strategic thinking and long-term planning with continuous operational efficiency improvement. Organizational transformation should not be limited to short-term savings but focus on fundamentally enhancing customer, partner, and employee experiences. We should measure our success not just in financial terms or quick investor returns but by our long-term impact on communities and the environment.

Ethical and moral responsibility are also crucial. As we embrace technology, we also take on the ethical issues that come with it. This involves not only compliance with regulations, which often lag behind technological advances, but also the wise and responsible use of data—the most valuable resource of modern companies. Responsible leadership requires making decisions that are not only financially beneficial but also consistent with social and ethical values.

What do you think are the most important challenges facing business leaders in the 21st century?

In my opinion, one of the greatest challenges is keeping pace with technological advancements. While progress has always been rapid and often surprising, today’s technologies bring unprecedented complexity and uncertainty in their applications. The World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs 2023” report highlights that new technologies and digitalization are irreversibly transforming workplaces. Leaders must stay updated on the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and digital solutions, and know how to implement them effectively in their organizations. As a technology provider, we increasingly see our role as a guide, not just a supplier. This is demonstrated by one of our projects, Compass IT, which provides business recommendations to help companies set benchmarks and understand how technology can transform their organizations.

Another challenge is sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. Today’s organizations are increasingly aware of their impact on the environment and society. Leaders must act responsibly, promote sustainable development practices, and consider the ethical aspects of doing business.

Attracting top talent also requires adapting to changing demographics and managing generational diversity in the workplace. Today’s organizations employ people from different generations, each with their own expectations and needs. Leaders must manage multigenerational teams, understand generational differences, and adapt leadership and communication styles to motivate all employees. They must also learn how to manage diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Finally, building organizational resilience and crisis management capabilities is critical. In the face of global crises, including business challenges related to geopolitics, leaders must be prepared to respond quickly to unforeseen events. Building resilience requires flexibility, the ability to make quick decisions, and a willingness to implement contingency plans.

How does technology impact responsible leadership practices, and how can it be used to promote sustainable development?

Technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), is having a significant impact on responsible management by enabling resource analysis and optimization, waste reduction, supplier carbon footprint measurement, and energy efficiency improvements. According to a global IDC study, 76% of IT decision-makers see AI as critical to achieving sustainability goals, and more than 40% of their AI spending is related to sustainability.

At Dell Technologies, we have real-world examples of how AI can support sustainable development. One of our customers, Nature Fresh Farms, uses hundreds of thousands of sensors to collect 23 TB of data annually. Real-time analysis of this has increased yields per acre tenfold and recycled 97% of the water used to grow the crops. While technologies require resources for production and maintenance, we continually strive to maximize their efficiency. Responsible management and recycling of IT equipment helps minimize environmental impact. Optimized algorithms, energy-efficient components, and effective data center cooling all contribute to sustainable development.

How can responsible management be integrated at all levels of the organization, not just at the top?

Engaging employees starts with building an organizational culture based on values such as trust, responsibility, collaboration, and sustainability. This culture should be evident in daily actions and decisions at all levels of the organization. There’s no room for rhetoric or inconsistency.

Additionally, employees must have the right tools, knowledge, and autonomy to make responsible decisions, and it is the leaders’ job to ensure that these conditions are met. It’s also important to remember that leadership means leading by example, so as responsible leaders, we need to be honest with ourselves, work on our development, and seek support effectively. As leaders and managers, we can inspire, but our mistakes can also have negative consequences. Only those who do nothing never make mistakes, so we should cultivate relationships with people on similar paths with similar experiences, as this provides invaluable support.

Dariusz Piotrowski assumed the position of General Manager of the Polish branch of Dell Technologies at the beginning of September 2017. He is responsible for the company’s operations in the Polish market, managing the sales of the entire Dell Technologies product portfolio and solutions designed for individual and business users, as well as for the company’s development in all market segments.

From 2009 to 2017, Dariusz Piotrowski held managerial positions at Microsoft Poland. He served as Director of Sales for enterprise customers, Acting General Manager, and Director of New Technologies. Prior to that, for 13 years, he was responsible for various departments at Cisco Systems Poland, including sales of advanced technologies in Central European markets and cooperation with partners in Poland. He began his professional career at the Academic Computer Centre (NASK), where his responsibilities included designing and implementing nationwide data networks.

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Electronics at the Warsaw University of Technology. He also completed MBA studies at the University of Warsaw and the University of Illinois.

Last Updated on October 21, 2024 by Anastazja Lach
