For Troubled Times – SPS. Grzegorz Głasek, President of the Management Board and Co-owner of SPS Construction

As SPS Construction you have been able to set a strong foundation in the polish construction market. Looking back, can you highlight where you started and what decisions were most relevant?

SPS began in 2005. We started on a high note, because our first contracts at that time were prestigious and large, i.e. between 50 and 100 million PLN. We were then entrusted by the Investors we built for with the previous company. It was also important that we received an order from

a partner: the construction of the Eco-Park residential complex in Warsaw. And so after a year we achieved revenues over PLN 100 million. And then it just got better.

What was most important at that time? Agile organization of the company, obtaining the best engineers from the market, creating precise procedures, and convincing Investors that SPS is the best possible partner for them.

Which sectors of the construction industry do you focus on most?

Currently we only focus on housing estates. In previous years we also built beautiful office buildings and shopping centers. Today, unfortunately, this market does not exist anymore.

What do you think the construction market in Poland is currently?

The construction market is indeed very difficult today with much less investment than in previous years. Housing sales have been down significantly and costs increasing. The competition between construction companies is therefore very high. Fortunately, some dishonest companies that had offered construction developers predatory prices no longer exist or will stop existing in the near future. The market will self-cleanse in 2÷3 years. What is our prescription? We only work with proven Developers, giving them the prices they can accept. Today SPS’s goal is more so not to lose on contracts than to make real profit. And fortunately even though it’s not easy, we are succeeding at it.

Do you remember the most difficult and most prestigious contract for SPS Construction?

My engineers always say that the contract we’re just starting is the hardest one. In fact, on all construction sites, it is important to make sure the Investor and the future resident are satisfied. The demands are increasing, but we can meet them. For the most prestigious contracts, I would distinguish the apartment building in Powiśle in Warsaw (for Volumetric), the residential complex on the Spichrzów Island in Gdansk (Mill-Yon) and Luxor Residence at Wynalazek street in Warsaw (Longbridge).

How does SPS Construction differentiate itself from the competition?

SPS pays all subcontractors and suppliers on time. It’s a shame that what should be the norm is a distinction these days. We have a very good organization. We are always available to Investors. We never leave them in need. We don’t just send letters, we talk and look for solutions. We have a high warranty limit (which is rare for construction companies today). This gives us the opportunity to grow our business further.

High quality is extremely important. However, you emphasize in your statements that collaboration and building trust are nonetheless important.

Indeed, trust is very important. So is accountability and delivering on one’s promises. Those who know me will confirm that I will do everything I can, not to let them down. This is what the most important people in our company do. Most of them have been working with me for 20 years, and some of them are even my college mates. Although we do keep “fresh blood” in the mix.

What is the biggest challenge for your company right now?

The most important task for today is to “survive” the next two years without losses. Both financially and organizationally. Fortunately, we did not have to lay off any good employees, we hope it never happens.

Grzegorz Głasek, President of the Management Board and Co-owner of SPS Construction, aged 57, graduate of the Construction Faculty of the Kielce University of Technology. Previously on the board of directors of Mitex S.A., he also pursued a career as academic teacher.
Married: Wife Ewa (environmental engineer), sons: Michał and Adam (twins).

Interests: sport (currently  an active player of Vice-Champions of Poland in bridge, formerly football – IV league, table tennis – III league) and music (formerly a music school – violin and piano, now a faithful listener).

Last Updated on July 13, 2023 by Anastazja Lach