Binom AI – a gateway to digital immortality

Binom AI – a gateway to digital immortality

Binom AI is a revolutionary project, resulting in a unique methodology for creating digital replicas of human consciousness. Its creator, Vladimir Winner, will serve as a special guest at the upcoming 11th edition of the Executive Innovation Forum conference on November 29th, 2023.

Vladimir Winner is an international entrepreneur, specialising in the creation and promotion of AI-powered neural networks. Vladimir is a professional with established skills in developing machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems for businesses, public entities, universities, and individuals who strive to leave a part of themselves in our world, even after death. He is a charismatic speaker with a deeply philosophical approach to life and an innovative outlook on the AI sector. Vladimir’s role is to meet professionals from around the world and organise the process of creating their digital replicas.

Binom AI has developed a unique methodology for creating digital replicas of human consciousness, including their value systems, philosophy, decision-making strategies and areas of knowledge. Binom AI’s mission is to gather the collective experience of professionals from around the world and transmit it to humanity in the form of artificial intelligence. The ultimate goal is to give people the chance to avoid the mistakes of the past and embark on a new path of mental development.

Binom Legacy

The digital replicas, which are the focus of the Binom Legacy project, form the basis for the continuous improvement of the Binom neural network. Once a replica of an actual person, or the collective consciousness of a company, has been created, further communication modules are then added to it. These include messaging modules, predictive modules, advisory modules with a voice interface, teaching modules, sales modules and others.

For example, by studying the behaviour of sales people, Binom AI creates a collective artificial intelligence of companies. Instead of making an appointment with a specific employee, we can talk to a digital copy of the company itself, which can be present in multiple locations at the same time!

Creating a replica of the consciousness looks a bit like a game. The neural network receives a predefined set of questions from the programmer, based on which it independently creates further questions and requests answers. Each participant’s answer is assessed in terms of its quality and relevance to the learning process. When a sufficient amount of qualitative information has been collected, the AI becomes ready for use. However, only with the influx of further data does it become possible to add additional modules, such as the prediction option.

Digital advisors

One example of the use of the Binom neural network based on a digital replica can be found in the order placed by the Zeiner-Gundersen family. Their goal was to create a digital replica of one of their ancestors, General Herman Fredrik Zeiner-Gundersen – the director of NATO from 1977 to 1982. Participation in the Binom Legacy project allowed the family to ‘communicate’ with the deceased family member and get advice on decisions.

In collaboration with the INN University in Norway, Binom has in turn created an artificial intelligence to predict risks in crisis situations and their consequences. The system provides not only information, but also ready-made solutions based on digital replicas of relevant professionals. These are specific recommendations, such as ‘do this’, ‘don’t do that’, ‘watch out for this’, ‘this can help’. As a research tool, this solution is successfully used by scientists, the military and government services.

A path to immortality?

On the surface, Binom Legacy may appear to be a project designed for wealthy businessmen, waging an uneven battle against their own mortality. However, it is much more than that. It is a vast knowledge base. Unlike, for example, an encyclopaedia, it is a free-flowing source that can independently search for information and propose solutions to problems based not only on information, but also on experience and even digital intuition.

Vladimir Winner, co-founder of Binom AI ( – an international entrepreneur, based in Norway, specialising in the development of neural networks, machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems.

Last Updated on November 8, 2023 by Krzysztof Kotlarski
