Cloud becomes a driver for innovation

Digital technology trends such as mobility, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data and analytics are changing business processes and disrupting business models. The common denominator among them, both a transformative force and a prime enabler for all, is the cloud.

The cloud delivers what businesses require to make a digital transformation: high flexibility, on-demand access anytime, anywhere, immediate availability of advanced software without the associated hardware, but above all, it delivers simplicity. The cloud is the foundation of tomorrow’s next-generation applications and business processes. This is why Dassault Systèmes has placed the cloud at the heart of its business experience strategy.

A platform on the cloud

Today consumers need unique, personalized experiences that are greater than the sum of their parts or features. Experiences build brand loyalty at an emotional level, which bind customers to a business. Dassault Systèmes has designed its business experience platform – the 3DEXPERIENCE platform – to help the clients design, simulate and deliver these powerful experiences. The cloud is the optimal way to leverage the power of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, which is essential to succeed in today’s experience economy.The cloud enables all employees of a business to instant access to the platform regardless of their location. Their user experience is greatly simplified through the collaborative nature of the platform that unites people, ideas and knowledge.

Benefits for innovators

Enterprises that already implemented cloud solutions are flexible in purchasing IT resources, can quickly upscale and downscale the capacity, and minimise the investment expenditures. But that’s not all. The cloud for these companies also increases the ability to innovate, as innovation also benefits from flexibility and scalability. And the cloud brings ‘innovators’ even more advantages:boosts collaboration, unlocks advanced technologies, makes innovation location-independent and improves data integrity.


Dassault Systèmes

Last Updated on February 4, 2021 by Łukasz
