Coverage on the XII edition of the Green Industry Summit
On 18 October 2023, the 12th edition of the Green Industry Summit took place at the Sheraton Grand Warsaw Hotel. During three panel discussions and two presentations, experts discussed the most important issues related to green transformation and the drive towards a circular economy in industry and logistics. The event culminated in an evening Awards Gala, the ‘Green Industry Diamonds’, during which companies and individuals who have particularly distinguished themselves in the field of implementing green, sustainable and low-emission solutions in business were honoured.
The main part of the programme started with an inaugural speech by Prof. Krzysztof Pikoń, Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energetics of the Silesian University of Technology, Head of the Department of Waste Management Technologies and Equipment, entitled ‘Circular construction’.

According to Professor Pikoń, circular economy could save hundreds of billions of euros a year. For the time being, however, the consumption of raw materials in the construction industry is still not decreasing. In China alone, more concrete has been used in the last three years than in the USA during the entire 20th century. According to the professor, achieving circularity at this point is impossible, but it should be constantly strived for. Although circularity in Poland is at a level of 10.2 per cent, higher than the world and EU averages, it is still far too low to think about building a true closed-circuit economy.
After the opening speech, it was time for the first presentation, entitled ‘Industry 5.0 on the Horizon’. The author and speaker was Ms Dominika Bagińska-Chyłek, Coordinator of Industry Focal Points, Head of Regulatory and Technological Challenges at Łukasiewicz ORGMASZ.

In her opening remarks, Ms Dominika, representing a research-focused organisation, explained that science is also business. Indeed, by conducting and implementing the results of an appropriate research policy, one can have a real impact on the economic position of a company. Economic and social sustainability are inextricably linked. A green industrial transformation cannot be achieved without the participation and involvement of private stakeholders and their financial resources. Of course, public funds, including those from EU projects, are also important. The Horizon Europe programme anticipates funding of €100 billion for this purpose in the coming years.
After Ms Dominika’s speech, it was time for the first panel discussion, entitled ‘Circularity in Industry’. The debate was moderated by Prof. Krzysztof Pikoń, D.Sc., Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energetics, Silesian University of Technology, Head of the Department of Waste Management Technologies and Equipment. Participants in the discussion included Dr Katarzyna Jakubowska-Gawlik, Head of the Plastic Packaging Department at Smithfield Poland, Dariusz Jasak, President of the Management Board of Seen Technologie, Radosław Kwiecień, Member of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Andrzej Losor, Member of the Management Board and Director of Sales and Marketing Development at Górażdże Cement, Heidelberg Materials concern, and Michał Mikołajczyk, Procurator, Sales and Marketing Director at Rekopol Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań.

According to speakers, the first step on the road to circular economy must be to optimise existing projects, i.e. to minimise the use of raw materials and abandon any additives that are not a key part of the product.
In the financial aspect of building a circular economy, many banks are already thoroughly assessing projects in terms of sustainability and fulfilment of ESG criteria. Moreover, this information is important for the decision to grant or refuse financing for a given project. In his opinion, it may not be long before the banks completely abandon financing projects that do not meet ‘green’ standards.
The panellists noted also that awareness of the importance of circularity in the various industries is growing. However, still around fifty per cent of company executives have not heard of circular economy. And even if they have, they only associate the term with waste recycling. The second panel was concluded by a call for regulatory support for companies, based on suggestions from business.
The next item on the programme of the Green Industry Summit was a presentation by Mr Remigiusz Pyszka, entitled ‘Striving for a sustainable future’. In his presentation, he focused on the vision of SoftwareOne, the company he represents, which focuses on climate responsibility, promoting diversity, supporting digital transformation and improving corporate governance.

These are the key determinants of ESG, in the proper reporting of which the software offered by SoftwareOne supports companies. Reporting using traditional systems, according to Mr Remigiusz, brings with it a number of challenges, such as varying data formats, reporting standards or the need for manual coordination and updating of data. Moving to comprehensive software which specialises in this area alleviates these problems.
Then it was time for the second panel, ‘Green logistics’, moderated by Przemysław Piętak, Supply Chain Advisory Director, CBRE. Participating in the discussion were Piotr Iwo Chmielewski, Member of the Management Board of Rohlig Suus Logistics, Andrzej Bułka, President of the Management Board of Fracht FWO Poland, Maciej Włodarczyk, Chief Operating Officer at Libra Partners, Michał Brzozowski, President of the Management Board of Metroplan Poland and Adrian Stelmach, CEO of Explitia.

Firstly, the speakers drew attention to the potential conflicts between economic, political and ecological interests, which are increasingly hampering the decision-making process.
They unanimously stated that the road to green logistics will be long and very expensive, and the price will be paid by the customers of logistics services. However, cost optimisation can be achieved in the long term. In the experts opinion, the basis of green logistics will be primarily to reduce transport where it is not necessary, and only then to change transport methods.
Mr Andrzej Stelmach of Explitia, meanwhile, added that in his view we do not anticipate the development of the industry’s requirements well in advance, waiting instead for the relevant legislation from the public administration, which in our case usually turns out to be late.
After the lunch break, it was time for the third and final panel discussion of the conference, entitled ‘Industry on the road to zero emission’, moderated by Prof. Waldemar Kamrat, Director of the Centre for Nuclear Energy, Department of Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Gdansk University of Technology. Participating in the discussion were: Remigiusz Nowakowski, Vice-President of the Management Board, Managing Director of Qair Poland, Dariusz Jasak, President of the Management Board of Seen Technologie, Rafał Bednarek, Vice-President of the Management Board of Biuro Informacji Kredytowej, Aleksandra Stępniak, Public Affairs Manager of VELUX Poland and Michał Marona, Country Manager of SolarEdge Poland.

In his introduction to the discussion, Prof. Kamrat noted that we lack a coherent energy policy, which should not be altered along with changes of government, but should be part of a consistent doctrine of state development. In addition to increasing the share of RES, it should involve the development of energy storage facilities, biogas plants and other elements of infrastructure enabling a flexible response to needs and possible crises.
According to the gathered experts, the environmental awareness is no longer the domain of responsible, modern entrepreneurs alone, but a determinant of success or failure in a competitive market.
Speakers also pointed out that the role of banks in the energy transition is to direct the flow of financing towards sustainable projects. To do this, however, banks need real, up-to-date data, reported and provided by companies.
In conclusion, panellists noted that before we switch entirely to renewable energy sources, we should focus on saving energy and rationalising its use.
The Green Industry Summit conference can be viewed at this link
Executive Club
Honorary Patrons:
Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Collegium Civitas, United Nations Global Compact Network Poland, Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology, Metal Processing Cluster, Warsaw University of Technology, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development PFR Group, Polish Chamber of Automotive Industry, Polish Chamber of Forwarding and Logistics, ProcureConnect, Polish Supply Management Leaders, Warsaw University of Technology Business School, His Magnificence the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics, Transport and Logistics Poland
Gold Partners:
Górażdże Cement company – Heidelberg Materials group, Seen Technologie, Smithfield Poland
BASF, Biuro Informacji Kredytowej, Industry Contact Points: Coordinator, Industry Contact Point: Industry 4.0, Industry Contact Point: Sustainable Economy, MM Brown – Chocolissimo brand, Fracht FWO Poland, Kajima, Libra Partners, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Łukasiewicz Research Network – ORGMASZ, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP, Metroplan Poland, Qair Poland, Rekopol Packaging Recycling Organisation, Rohlig Suus Logistics, SoftwareOne, VELUX Poland
Main Gala Partner:
MM Brown – Chocolissimo brand
Gala Partners:
Arche Group, Kajima, Metroplan Poland
Social Patrons:
The Integration Foundation, niepelnosprawni.pl
Technical Partner:
Main Media Patrons:
Executive Magazine, Biznes & Ecology, Polish Media House Foundation, www.HalePrzemysłowe.plus, PAP Media Room
Media Patrons:
Automatatyka Przemysłowa, Biomasa.pl, Ecoekonomia.pl, EcoMiasto, Eco-news.pl, ekonatura, ESGinfo.pl, InżynierUR.pl, Kaizen, Kapitał Polski, Kursy Automatyki, logistyczny.com, Logistyka, mid, Nowoczesny Przemysł, Obserwator Logistyczny, Portal Przemysłowy, Rynek Inwestycji, Staleo.pl, Teraz Środowisko, TerenyInwestycyjne.info, TopLogistyk, trans.info, zrobotyzowany.pl.
Author: Krzysztof Kotlarski, editor of Executive Magazine
Last Updated on October 27, 2023 by Anastazja Lach