Bank Ochrony Środowiska has already turned 30

BOŚ Bank, as one of the pillars of Poland’s pro-ecology financing, for 30 years now has been working to ensure funds for well-prepared environmental projects. During this time, it granted over 86 thousand loans to finance pro-ecology initiatives for a total amount of 23.2 billion PLN. These funds helped to complete tens of thousands of pro-ecology investment projects worth 52.4 billion PLN. BOŚ Bank concentrates on the ability to structure transactions in the European Green Deal area. The Bank aims at actively participating in the green transformation of the Polish economy.

First Polish Eco-Bank

Bank Ochrony Środowiska started its operations on 9 January 1991. The concept to establish the Bank had been born much earlier, during the “Round Table” talks in 1989. The purpose was to build a commercial institution which will combine professional banking services with an environmental mission – financing of environment-friendly projects. Poland and the world have undergone immense changes ever since. Year by year more and more people understand that the world of our children and grandchildren will be shaped by their small both “private” and business decisions, which involve huge attempts and resources. BOŚ specialists – environmental engineers – are happy to support clients to find the best solutions.

30 years of financing pro-ecology investment projects

BOŚ Bank is one of Poland’s major institutions supporting the financing of pro-ecology investment projects. It designs products and finds solutions which contribute to limiting the impact of companies, institutions and individuals on the pollution of water, air and soil. The Bank finances various technologies, from the most popular ones such as photovoltaic systems through biogasing to hydroelectric or geothermal power plants. RES systems financed by BOŚ Bank each year generate about 20% of Poland’s clean energy.

Comprehensive offer

Bank Ochrony Środowiska has products addressing the needs of each client group – retail customers, small and medium enterprises, corporations and local government units. What attracts particular attention is the comprehensive offer supporting investment project completion. This includes investment and revolving loans, bank guarantees, factoring and leasing. Clients may allocate funds granted by the Bank, for instance, to finance the purchase or assembly of devices to support environment protection or to build or modernize initiatives that provide environmental benefits. The Bank is also ready to refinance loans granted by other banks as well as investments already made within projects.

BOŚ Bank wants to actively participate in the green transformation of the Polish economy. It continuously addresses the abundantly growing needs of the Clients. Last December the Bank acquired the first tranche of Green Bonds issued by New Energy Investments Sp. z o.o., a member of the Columbus Group,  worth 75 million PLN. BOŚ S.A. Brokerage House is the coordinator of the process and the agent of the bond issue.

Green investments

BOŚ Bank’s activities in the nearest future will be based on the European Green Deal, a set of policy initiatives by the European Union.

“We see the transformation process taking place before our eyes. We are involved in it with our products compliant with the pro-ecology policies and taxonomy. We will support the introduction of taxonomy requirements into sectors covered by the Green Deal and develop our offer in cooperation with entrepreneurs and local government units “, – says Wojciech Hann,Management Board President Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A.


BOŚ Bank

Last Updated on March 8, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska