Sustainability in agriculture

Climate changes already have a negative impact on many aspects of our lives and agriculture is one of the industries that suffer the most. Snowless winters, frosts during a growing season, sudden and high temperature changes, long droughts followed by a period of heavy rains – these are farmers’ everyday challenges. That is why growers are constantly looking for new solutions that will help them to achieve satisfactory yields. These yields are necessary not only to secure farmers’ income, but to guarantee our food security.

In order to meet expectations of agricultural producers, Syngenta introduces seed varieties that are resistant to difficult weather conditions as well as innovative plant protection products. We are also working on finding alternatives to traditional chemistry, such as e.g. biological products.

Apart from offering new plant varieties and new active ingredients to protect them, we invest a lot in the promotion of sustainable agriculture – the condition of agriculture relies on natural resources.  The Good Growth Plan is our commitment to the environment, farmers and consumers.  As part of this commitment, we work on improving methods of application of crop protection products. We also organize trainings, offer advisory services and provide solutions which help to reduce the use of natural resources and energy, minimize carbon footprint and increase the safety of farmers, bystanders and the environment.

We implement our commitments together with farmers, e.g. by increasing biodiversity through Operation Pollinator – an international program to boost the number of pollinating insects on farms. As part of this program, every year we supply hundreds of kilograms of seed mixes of plants that are attractive to pollinating insects.

The European New Green Deal is the direction that Syngenta has followed for many years now.


Marek Łuczak, Prezes Syngenta Polska Sp. z o.o.

Last Updated on February 16, 2021 by Karolina Ampulska
