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Monika Michalska, Commercial Manager at Geocycle Poland: We protect the environment and support the sustainable development strategy

Monika Michalska, Commercial Manager at Geocycle Poland: We protect the environment and support the sustainable development strategy

Geocycle is a subsidiary of Lafarge, which deals with the acquisition of alternative sources and uses modern technologies implementing the idea of a dedicated economy. Could you tell me more about the specifics of the geocycle? Geocycles set up to avoid the generation of conventional waste and raw materials in factories, and managed banks that cannot conduct business. At Geocycle,…

Ośrodek Działań Ekologicznych „Źródła”: Bełchatów polskim Zagłębiem Ruhry?

Squire Patton Boggs doradza przy debiucie grupy Mogotel Hotel Group w Polsce

Bayer uruchamia konkurs na polecanie kandydatów do pracy w Digital Hub

Warszawa, listopad 2021 – 400 specjalistów IT planuje zatrudnić Bayer do 2022 roku w warszawskim Digital Hubie. Przy ich pozyskiwaniu …

Prof. Kijeński jaka forma pozyskiwania energii może „uzupełnić” OZE?

Diamenty Top Industry 2021

Top Industry Summit 2021

Sustainable Economy Summit 2021

Diamenty Sustainable Economy 2021


ODE “Sources”: Belchatow – the Polish Ruhr Area?

ODE “Sources”: Belchatow – the Polish Ruhr Area?

Bełchatów is facing a great challenge. The region must stop mining coal in a way that does not endanger the…

MFiPR on innovation funding in the EU.7 budget

MFiPR on innovation funding in the EU.7 budget

The Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy informs: The 7th Congress of Polish Clusters has started. The participants of the…

Polish Order since the beginning of 2022

Polish Order since the beginning of 2022

10/28/2021 The Senate adopted an amendment that postponed the introduction of changes to the tax system under the Polish Order…

Poland has declared to abandon coal by 2040.

Poland has declared to abandon coal by 2040.

At the COP26 summit in Glasgow, Poland officially pledged to start the process of gradual withdrawal from coal. So far,…