Renewable Energy banks as a remedy to rising costs of managing business

Renewable Energy banks as a remedy to rising costs of managing business

Events that took place on the energy market in the last few months show a unsettling tendency to continually increasing cost of electric power, and what goes in pair, the services provided. For many entrepreneurs this increasing cost may create a real problem with the monthly operational expenditures, especially when machines or computers have to be plugged into outlets, but also security systems  and essential lighting. In the hour of flourishing alternative sources of power, the solution presents itself: photovoltaic panels and their implementation in different areas of business. They allow for optimization of costs, and at the same time they decouple from the usage of devices that function solely on electric power. Therefore the question arises: in its present form, does this technology make sense and in what way can we optimize its usage?

According to data from Renewable Energy institute, Poland finds itself as a leader amongst countries with the greatest growth in new photovoltaic power. It is a very satisfying and positive trend that may in the future present real dangers. In the prosumers consciousness there appear circulating opinions that talk about photovoltaics not working effectively because the existing infrastructure is not designed to receive the generated power. In many regions in this country there are in fact problems of that sort, and solutions to them would require huge expenses from the side of energy distribution electric power.

Another argument raised by opponents of the photovoltaic solutions is the characteristic of functioning of these systems: production of the power happens at a time when its usage is relatively low. Peak demand for power among individual clients and enterprises alike, presents itself when photovoltaic panels do not produce any power whatsoever.

The above concerns, arising directly from the nature of photovoltaic solutions can create realistic problems in undertaking a decision to invest in photovoltaic panels, despite realistic and unquestionable savings that producing your own energy in the hour of constantly rising prices. Beyond that, having your own supply of power is also a guarantee of constant operation of devices in critical situations and maintaining the operations of many processes. CMSI Ltd. as the market innovator in this respect, present our very own solutions, being energy banks, which eliminate above mentioned problems and present a realistic idea of clean and always available power.

 CMSI Ltd. is a market pioneer in putting to use innovative technologies and renewable energy in the field of security and property security. Solutions created and implemented by the company for the past 4 years, effectively check out as a dependable alternative to expensive physical security.

Analysing potential dangers associated with growing energy costs and facing the improbable power grid failures, the company has worked up solutions based on power banks, accumulated through photovoltaic panels. With that tagline “Intelligent Security System”, that appears on the logo of the company, has taken on additional meaning, which goes outside of the security industry realms.

 The proposed solution allows to store generated excess power produced, without the need for immediate transfer to the grid. The stored energy can be directed to the local installation and used by operating devices, or transferred to the grid during a phase when photovoltaic panels are not operating, and the suppliers grid isn’t burdened with influx of energy. The power bank owner becomes, in a sense, independent, thanks to this has greater control over how he chooses to use his photovoltaic infrastructure and by it, generated clean energy. Generally, the electricity flow is constant, and the risks associated with losing power and lack of control over the processes no longer play any kind of role. There is no phenomenon knowns as “vapid” work of the panels, where despite a large amount of produced electricity is not directed to the suppliers grid because of limits of transmission infrastructure. Excess of produced energy gets stored and becomes readily available at any desired moment.

CMSI Ltd. realizes its strategy by creating solutions that take advantage of the synergy effect to assure the best solutions for their clients. One concept behind energy banks implemented by the company was, aside from earlier mentioned advantages like guaranteeing constant power to the Intelligent Security System, which constitutes the implementations of most advanced solutions in the field of visual security in the world. Thanks to the combining of the Intelligent Security System with power banks, the client receives a product which is resilient to one of the biggest dangers in visible security of property – power outage.

Companies such as CMSI Ltd realize their social mission and conduct research over the newest technologies, allow for tangible results and experience changes that are coming in the energy industry. The renewable energy market constitutes an area, which must be constantly updated, developed and have new solutions. Being independent from transmission grids and instability of the energy market is becoming one of the biggest challenges, which entrepreneurs have to currently face. Not without reason there is also the option to take advantage of many complimentary products that will help optimize savings resulting in implemented innovations.


Last Updated on October 18, 2022 by Anastazja Lach